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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1647212716537.png (145.25 KB, 1107x619, ClipboardImage.png)


can someone post the joeys world tour 'ameo?
i forgot to save it and archive.org didn't get it


it’s on the YouTube ‘chive


File: 1646717763853.png (19.18 KB, 592x720, 1410 - 644f63fbaffde673f12….png)


can someone make an AI generated webm of this jak singing? i think it will be funny



File: 1647128734375.jpg (2.46 MB, 4032x3024, 20220312_130537.jpg)


Someone please jak this.

File: 1647058629731.jpg (1.53 MB, 2067x1447, 1635777334714.jpg)


q+a: what's the tag for bratty loli on booru and sankaku?





File: 1646844408797.gif (795.28 KB, 536x706, d0e.gif)


Jak that is just like this but in the 'its over' face. Eyes closed and lips shut together on a face expressing remorse. Posted frequently

Where is it?


File: 1647003105458.gif (861.4 KB, 600x900, even though its over i sti….gif)

File: 1646836400816.png (96.13 KB, 540x437, ClipboardImage.png)


someone make the baby jacobson or something. this is so close to being a gem but falls short


File: 1646890153422.png (94.58 KB, 540x437, 1646836400816.png)

um... dada?

File: 1643066925000.png (6.14 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


somebody link me to the new booru
i forgot the link
thanks :)




bump i don't want this thread to die i always forget the link


oh nigga...


soyak.win or soyjak.su

File: 1646720841879.jpg (46.13 KB, 400x800, 20220307_185907.jpg)


Requesting a image of chudjak from this pic on his own



File: 1646759439076.png (15.75 KB, 201x250, ClipboardImage.png)


anyone have this 'jak in HD? can't find it in HD or on da booru anywhere


I’ll take a look later when I’m not on my phone


File: 1646764891098.png (52.48 KB, 644x800, 1609712860136.png)

im back as promised


File: 1646764943752.png (99.36 KB, 676x1021, heart.png)

i fucking love you

File: 1644341882055.png (87.46 KB, 255x215, ClipboardImage.png)


soybros.. is there a HQ Jester Soyjack???




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