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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1647623251789.jpg (101.88 KB, 800x600, yGL0uux.jpg)


jak him
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this guys looks a little familiar but i can't seem to put my hand on his name


it's markiplier


Looks like bam margera


that’s joshua moon, the kiwi farms guy


Doesn't this guy make fun of others for being fat even doe he's obese

File: 1634246625328.jpeg (347.62 KB, 860x640, 836BCD93-9898-4689-80F3-C….jpeg)


Make a soyjak of this.


He doesn't look soy at all, tho


y doe



File: 1647662257266.jpg (73.63 KB, 563x781, 613dfdb87133c.jpg)


jak this

File: 1647627216912.png (383.54 KB, 640x640, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1647616502446.png (144.79 KB, 453x552, jak(6421).png)


requesting a 'jak of french canadians

File: 1646462617839.png (1.86 MB, 1888x997, dhaja.png)


Jak him
5 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




File: 1647486319892.png (156.48 KB, 847x932, 1646462617839.png)

i think tracejaks are kinda coalie but here you go


File: 1647486401069.png (162.25 KB, 847x932, 1646462617839.png)

oops forgot the angry mouthlines


Kinda gemmy tho



File: 1647485631523.png (91.48 KB, 740x724, thoughjak.png)


does anyone have the transparent green glow from the thoughjak?


Yes in fact I have it around me all the time ever since the CIA hired me to post on the sharty, I'm not supposed to share that though.


File: 1647500075958.png (110.52 KB, 447x376, glow.png.png)



File: 1647523530166.png (72.67 KB, 668x799, og2wr2v6.png)

wait is this actually the original?


Think it's an edit or an reinterpretacion

File: 1647525479130-0.jpg (15.5 KB, 250x238, 0rb4pnR.jpg)

File: 1647525479130-1.png (306.26 KB, 584x717, 1600013674094.png)


Make him ias

File: 1647399227292.png (99.74 KB, 320x320, ClipboardImage.png)


does anyone have the angry distorted feraljak with the gaming headset? its not on the ru

File: 1647328816583.jpg (95.49 KB, 742x831, 1647321967631.jpg)


'jak this creature


no, retard. that demonoid is already soy. there's no reason to make into a coaljak. soyjak is funny because it's a charicature. there's no point in making fun of something which is already a parody in of itself
take this to heart and may your future 'jaks be gems

signed, chud.


File: 1647330205325.png (13.74 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

You forgot the number one rule of jakmaking:
do it not because of a reason, do it because you can

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