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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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>a chicken burger is called a sandwich okay because it just is


File: 1649761315605.png (2.67 KB, 450x459, 247 - thumbs up.png)

burger is short for hamburger steak sandwich


True though, listen to the fatasses who eat them all the time

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Is insurance a Jewish conspiracy?


She’s right


Kek based

File: 1648697200437.webm (2.16 MB, 540x960, 1648631876265.webm)


is this true
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>Isn't like 22% of Canada non-white lmao


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>>Isn't like 22% of Canada non-white lmao


File: 1649657575050.png (456.52 KB, 816x544, nazi japs.png)

I fucking love gook racism, they are talented


they are drones


Duh but it's funny to watch

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'cado on the log tho
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>'cado on the log tho


sucky sucky

File: 1648541287180.jpeg (408.78 KB, 750x754, D4918373-5BCB-4D12-A301-1….jpeg)


Keep crying incels
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>10/10 in hoholand


>tie the knot
didn't they both already get vaxxed for covid?


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>Keep crying incels


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I met him, 15 years ago; I was told there was nothing left; no reason, no conscience, no understanding in even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, of good or evil, right or wrong. I met this... thirty-year-old manchild with this fat, greasy, pouting face, and... the blackest eyes - the Devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up, because I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... evil.



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So when are we getting ukrainian refugees?
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>2 more weeks


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>>2 more weeks


All the blonde nazi ukr gfs are here though


they will burn


war is over

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>living the dream in bongland


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>>living the dream in bongland


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>poles bad even tho their is red in their flag like in ours kinda

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>you WILL NOT eat kinder eggs
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File: 1642732640385.jpg (78.57 KB, 708x800, worried soyjak.jpg)

Who's gonna tell her?




Easy there, Rudolf Soywaffe.


eat the


>germ bleating

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is this true


Ancient Asians


File: 1649573673726.png (1.17 MB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.png)

>is this true

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