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/int/ - International

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1647987021983.png (9.53 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


>ukraine getting nuked bad even doe i didn't like ukrainian posters that much anyways


hes right

File: 1647898044274.png (210.23 KB, 800x1000, turk calm.png)


>fresh kurd cheese

File: 1647732486788.jpg (65.9 KB, 1080x1080, 1527341725275.jpg)


I just noticed there are countries that have slightly different customs to mine, I'm going to make 10000 threads teasing random people about it and making memes out of them.




hiv positive


File: 1647895429669.png (8.15 KB, 365x362, 1647457336424.png)

>You have to respect other cultures, because, uhm, it's good, okay?

File: 1647848306024.png (253.38 KB, 500x500, ClipboardImage.png)




File: 1647855135430.png (133.43 KB, 1994x2000, Mexican TWINK.png)


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How is Seychelles gay

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File: 1647743924172.png (39.69 KB, 427x400, 1023 - 6ec2f1fff8f35cd3cbb….png)


Before I flew to Mexico this morning I deleted all the 'jaks on my phone in case the FBI would take my phone and see them

Was it worth it?
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Nothing of value was lost


File: 1647746121839.png (1.7 MB, 1280x840, ClipboardImage.png)

You can olways dowlaond theme later


Using the booru is easier anyway, the only problem is its missing a lot of 'jaks.


No, you're a gigantic retard.


File: 1647872160326.png (320.43 KB, 1217x1073, 1644431711491.png)

>Nothing of value was lost

File: 1647827216918.png (184.56 KB, 644x800, cop soyjak.png)


>Is that a hecking BIPOC minding his business, better go harass him!


File: 1647827808628.jpg (17.8 KB, 480x360, 1606103793946.jpg)

>>Is that a hecking BIPOC minding his business, better go harass him!


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Go goonna cry to your daddy, FATASS

File: 1643133570033.jfif (13.06 KB, 785x1000, 340 - bloodshot_eyes clas….jfif)


write english like how you would write in your language to pronounce it
let me give an example
ingliș iz ă veri hard lenguegi end ai dount laic it
17 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Cus gud e vem vou ri is ei mongoloide


File: 1643583319809.jpg (2.54 MB, 2468x1645, 2778 - blue_eyes clothes c….jpg)

ingiliş iz a veri hard lenguınç end ai dount layk it


suhneeduh thoh


File: 1647762411274.png (92.7 KB, 222x227, ClipboardImage.png)



ай фак інгліш, бікоз амерікан анд брі'іш піпл ар фагот

File: 1647763217027.png (172.83 KB, 221x397, joe.png)


is this poltiics?


No this is an image


File: 1647791358980.png (468.93 KB, 878x610, ClipboardImage.png)

Sometimes you get so lonely
Sometimes you get nowhere
I've lived all over the world
I've left every place
Please be mine
Share my life
Stay with me
Be my wife
Sometimes you get so lonely
Sometimes you get nowhere
I've lived all over the world
I've left every place
Please be mine
Share my life
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

File: 1647781514690.png (752.83 KB, 480x732, ClipboardImage.png)




Actually sweetie it's 2017*


File: 1647781833580.png (355.6 KB, 480x360, ClipboardImage.png)

i haven't changed my opinion

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