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/int/ - International

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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mutt thread


french pipo look like this

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did the spanish teen unironically transition
32 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


holy gemmy


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Always when I mention Spain, my chuddy friend says it's a leftist shithole. He might be right because this menstruation leave is too much, but priviledges for wominx voters are everywhere. Basically older women drain most from the budget and giving the least of value while incels like me work too much and nearly nobody helps me with my milennial problems.


We're cucked but we are definetly not as cucked as France, Germany, Belgium and even Portugal.


File: 1652707351801.png (76.83 KB, 415x707, 1638365751228.png)

>I take BBC everyday, but at aleast I don't take it twice a day like France, Germany, Belgium and even Portugal.



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The Italian dream




You are so obsessed with clyde
It's like you have a crush on him :)


He is obsessed with me

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The Spanish dream
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>spain is a nigger country









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Ukraine won eurovision, its over for putin.


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literally all good male genetic stock in ukraine is getting slaughtered so that their kids can be troomers getting raped by jews in france and if that's not wholesome i don't know what is


That's unwholesome however


Yep they're taking back the khazar kaganate (which will include Russia btw). Aka the true Israel

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Greetings from kotchan, we're kots there.




Nobody wants to join your tranny altchan


Begone fed!


Die anzutroon


kys tranny

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ITT: we laugh at tiny circumcised peckers and their senile old man dictator
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File: 1651122348474.png (59.83 KB, 1096x1028, drumpf inflation.png)

>ITT: we laugh at tiny circumcised peckers and their senile old man dictator


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Your freedom of speech and democracy bugs sirs


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sooooooooot end racism


terrible idea


If life was a marvel movie racists would be the villains.


thankfully my life is like a videogame, not a marvel movie


Do this soot my fragile heart can't handle the banter


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>America good.


File: 1652535364397.webm (975.75 KB, 1280x720, pretty accurate amerimutt.webm)

>America good

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