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File: 1648697200437.webm (2.16 MB, 540x960, 1648631876265.webm)


is this true




damn this chink wrecked somalians


DAYUM nigga dis ching-chong boi draggin them bulb headed ass niggas through tha MUD al shabaab finna delete they social bruh


Somalians BTFO


stupid fat


NOT IMPRESSED cracka dis mongolian-mongoli gerl gently taking them dome footed boobs crackas through a GRAVEL al shabaab not gonna re-instated they non-interactive enemy


he's right tho
somalians are the ugliest race of subhumans on earth


fuck bulbheads


ITT: Butthurt faggots seething because Somalians stole their gfs HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Good thing niggers here are sexless and get no laid except in Cuckcelona where bitches are brown and ugly anyways




Yes you are


youre the little fag twink, anal doesnt count


You're the obese, low T, basement dweller homosexual disgusting retarded Amerimutt here, spending your time jacking off your little 8cm micropenis to furry porn doesn't counts as sex.


File: 1648864615575.jpg (217.87 KB, 828x924, crying spanish twink twink….jpg)

>You're the obese, low T, basement dweller homosexual disgusting retarded Amerimutt here, spending your time jacking off your little 8cm micropenis to furry porn doesn't counts as sex.


faggots kys


File: 1648869677342.png (412.08 KB, 554x823, 1636957256050.png)

>>You're the obese, low T, basement dweller homosexual disgusting retarded Amerimutt here, spending your time jacking off your little 8cm micropenis to furry porn doesn't counts as sex.


File: 1648869920813.png (127.99 KB, 918x640, chud snail.png)

>blacked bad even though it's hot


It's specially hot when it consists of your mother getting gangbanged by a pack of Somalians in front of you.


it's "Somalis" you stupid chud 🙄🙄🙄


spic proyection


Isn't like 22% of Canada non-white lmao


File: 1649474902102.png (1.17 MB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.png)

>Isn't like 22% of Canada non-white lmao


File: 1649475248035.png (1.85 MB, 1914x1020, ClipboardImage.png)

>>Isn't like 22% of Canada non-white lmao



Ethiopianchads, we won


Ethiopians and somalians hate each other?


i can only get so hard


File: 1649656047888.png (160.8 KB, 422x483, ClipboardImage.png)

>Isn't like 22% of Canada non-white lmao


File: 1649657108086.gif (3.82 MB, 370x377, YWNBAW.gif)

>>Isn't like 22% of Canada non-white lmao


File: 1649657575050.png (456.52 KB, 816x544, nazi japs.png)

I fucking love gook racism, they are talented


they are drones


Duh but it's funny to watch

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