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/int/ - International

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File: 1645976034463.png (5.5 KB, 188x357, 1645570653122.png)


So when are we getting ukrainian refugees?


File: 1645976207273.jpg (36.25 KB, 598x591, 0c4ecb2f63881dc6cc740bd40a….jpg)

>ukrainian refugees good even though they’re asiatic


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>ukranian refugees good even doe dey aren't ugly brown middle aged men


2 more weeks


File: 1648638198546.jpg (45.67 KB, 1013x570, Screenshot_20220330-122335….jpg)

We have them already... Fucking pigs.


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>2 more weeks


File: 1648714670438.png (1.07 MB, 1024x682, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2 more weeks


All the blonde nazi ukr gfs are here though


they will burn


war is over

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