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/suggest/ - Suggest

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1650996747859.png (33.03 KB, 385x144, ClipboardImage.png)


and replace it by some gems posted in >>13635


Impjak disrespect? Holy W


this also half the current banners are coal


this banner links to a kuz site btw


all the banners have SOVL


lol he's swedish!! isn't that so heckin random and hilarious??


holy. fuck. soyteens btfo


it only got approved because lolkike kept sucking off soot around the clock, no honest soiteen approves of this


replying to wrong thread?


replying to wrong post?


meds this was added long before lolkek


nice damage control retards


lolkekker has been a mod since forever


revisionist coal


a really long time ago soot put up an ad "sign up to work for free" or something like this, i'm guessing lolshit got approved this way


File: 1651003604909.png (35.25 KB, 184x348, 1644563317707.png)

>honest soiteen


And now he has has infested every part of the sharty in some way, a known powerjanny attentionwhore at home, he also runs the booru with an iron fist, disapproving of any content he personally dislikes. It would be best to cleanse our sharty of this parasitical entity



it’s pretty funny how much coalers hate lolkek. really tells you something




he made and heavily promoted swedeshit which is clearly nas, yet he (You) claims to be such a soyjak puritanist


Proof that he hasn't?


File: 1651004557436.png (33.49 KB, 344x278, 9206 - arm badge bloodshot….png)



File: 1651005642865.png (19.08 KB, 592x720, 2680.png)


File: 1651030480030.png (656.72 KB, 756x989, 1630750894185.png)

>Chud 7 hours ago No.14799>>14802
>File (hide): 1651004557436.png (33.49 KB, 344x278, 9206 - arm badge bloodshot….png)

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