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/suggest/ - Suggest

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File: 1648849894973.png (51.83 KB, 600x200, ClipboardImage.png)

 No.13635[Last 50 Posts]

Banner suggestions thread




File: 1648850002411.gif (3.63 MB, 600x200, 1648849253239.gif)


soot do this


Do what


File: 1648850285182.png (420.65 KB, 2500x1000, ClipboardImage.png)


forced coal on there


Implement /plier/


its still classic and sovl


File: 1648850403348.png (345.17 KB, 2046x968, ClipboardImage.png)

perhaps this is more your taste?


yes this one is good, i still don't know why soot didn't add it when it was first made


File: 1648850438447.gif (249.31 KB, 600x200, gem.gif)



I think the colorjak aspect could make some people really really mad


can someone compress this?


File: 1648850508148.png (185.18 KB, 1755x585, ClipboardImage.png)

posted in the wrong thread


File: 1648850575696.png (1.81 MB, 11080x7224, ClipboardImage.png)

this reminds me, did anybody save the onionsjak.party ad we put on 4chud a while back?


sir the jihad against deformed colorcoal will proceed, no matter if it gets a banner, stickied or some GET


they're on the 'ru I think


colorsoys won


File: 1648850683143.png (221.57 KB, 1456x180, ClipboardImage.png)

coal but not really a banner, unless you guys like it


put up these ads again chud



some chud said they would put these back up when the cp spam ended but they never delivered


File: 1648850811931.png (235.4 KB, 1755x585, ClipboardImage.png)




coal you can't even read onionsjak.party


ezgif.com you lazy fag


I tried to set compression to 200 and the quality was shitty, while file size was still somewhat large


hardvideo.org you motivated straight


soot add the tranny one


not my problem


File: 1648851772920.gif (2.75 MB, 600x200, 1648849253239-min.gif)


soot add it


File: 1648852563732-0.gif (838.67 KB, 300x100, 300px.gif)

File: 1648852563732-1.gif (588.26 KB, 300x100, 300px-compressed.gif)

made it smaller since its never displayed at full resolution


New coalmy banners just dropped


File: 1648855238083.png (10.47 KB, 600x200, fixed.png)



I meant coal


I meant g*m fucking ccringe fr 😂


File: 1648856196942-0.png (449.48 KB, 1465x625, calvinchad.png)

File: 1648856196942-1.png (342.49 KB, 1372x547, calvinsoy.png)

Pick which one you like better


2nd one


File: 1648856297068.png (67.91 KB, 696x701, 1638240406502.png)





File: 1648863579809-0.png (17.19 KB, 600x200, Color.png)

File: 1648863579809-1.png (53.77 KB, 600x200, Deformed 2.png)



1st one


File: 1648989417585.gif (639.86 KB, 1950x250, ShockedSmugFlyingsquirrel-….gif)





Soot add


File: 1649067568600.png (109.24 KB, 600x200, image (2).png)



File: 1649383573467.png (132.65 KB, 600x200, 1649383307856_600x200.png)

soot add this dust


File: 1649541592751-0.gif (249.31 KB, 600x200, 7b0b2dcf9cc059d6412369ab6b….gif)

File: 1649541592751-1.png (182.91 KB, 800x200, banner.png)


soooooot add this


insane gemmy


insane coally


File: 1649852010743.png (74.51 KB, 852x672, 1649703754558.png)

holy fucking gem


File: 1649852417433.png (120.14 KB, 600x200, image (30).png)


whoops, meant for >>13953



File: 1649854100777.png (61.8 KB, 600x200, banner_final.png)

banner final ver




File: 1649864208857.gif (218.01 KB, 1000x500, gigachad.gif)


New gem


File: 1650111897950.png (156.48 KB, 600x200, image_8_600x200.png)

new banner



soot add this one


I think all existing banners should be downscaled to 300x100 instead of relying on js


'OOOOOOT add my banner


can we make a pixelcanvas oriented banner to celebrate /ourwin/ against the trannychuds?


there is a pixecanvas catch all thread on /soy/ ask them


File: 1651298220752.png (346.76 KB, 2046x968, 1645634091196.png)

new banner


its seems to be gone now what happened? i no longer see it on the 'catty

anyone got the image where soot's chan post glows (edited pic) after he made an announcement on /suggest/ regarding the matomo datamining?
i dunno where it went (that was like before the captain coal fiasco)


ask for it to be recreated and also you should know that someone made a lolcow farm thread about you


found it myself https://archive.is/8oOJD#102815 https://archive.is/YppuG
also can someone explain me origin of dogjak trend? why are these new jaks being posted (where did they come from i thought that was a seal at first)
who here have the psd/xcf of this image i need to recreate this without the jaks https://archive.is/u1dZi

it was already deleted (fucking romanian furfag filth now invading /x/ xer was originally from /pol/VPG) (lol i just archived it in time)



File: 1651682140068-0.png (16.39 KB, 684x806, killedthesharty.png)

File: 1651682140068-1.png (5.35 KB, 684x806, funny soy dog.png)

Some schizo TND poster traced the dog after making a bunch of incoherent spam, the first edits were of that feraljak they post then soot then a nazi/kuz edit. The original dogjak in that thread has off colors and isn't connected at the bottom although a fixed template has been posted. People just found it funny because it made certain groups of people mad, lolkek said he might upload an archive of them all as he refuses to verify them on the booru.



I NEED these



soot add some lazy idiot


soooooot please add some of these


File: 1654096501885.png (109.13 KB, 600x200, banner.png)

lazy /qa/ banner


frenschan dust


sooootykins pwetty please ???


File: 1654189724458.png (Spoiler Image, 200.82 KB, 1334x445, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1654190671960.png (Spoiler Image, 499.19 KB, 2046x968, long cado banner.png)



File: 1654438859485.png (46.5 KB, 1500x510, benr.png)




File: 1654526863097.png (193.36 KB, 680x504, 1654411370052.png)

fresh /qa/ banner


holy gem


File: 1654559897936.png (209.18 KB, 600x200, work in progress.png)

maybe a banner with irl soys?


add these gems


reminder that you have gay porn saved on your computer and yet try to convince other people that they’re fags






he didnt add the cado ones tho


minor copyright violation but do this


File: 1654694352287.png (108.58 KB, 600x200, fix (3).png)

fixed your ugly dust


File: 1654694692589.png (383.27 KB, 1080x606, Screenshot_20220607-160738….png)

have fun when the google images clipart police mafia come and gangrape you soot


File: 1654694848592.png (239.29 KB, 600x860, ClipboardImage.png)


we need more party gems. sharty should feel like a party imo


still frenschan garbage




tsmt we don't need anymore low effort soyteen coal at the top of the page


It has one nas coal on it


File: 1654736906470-0.png (56.58 KB, 255x163, image_2022-06-08_200748770.png)

File: 1654736906470-1.png (7.98 KB, 51x85, ClipboardImage.png)

which one


the colorful one




why? it's gemmy


Honest soyjak quoters and gem making 'jakkers are "soy" now?
Expected from demoralizers.


File: 1654902758090.png (87.52 KB, 600x200, G7CHRLQ.png)

take a joke man jakkers should never take themselves too seriously


File: 1654903576403.jpg (171.52 KB, 741x686, 1635617582536.jpg)

>taking soyjaks seriously le bad despite if it wasn't for that reason the soyjak meme would have died after the first year.


File: 1654941402080.png (4.12 MB, 1170x2532, 64FDE8B3-4B29-4634-958D-B7….png)


Then of making soyjaks is "soy".
Then we should stop making them and leave this website.


File: 1654951629617.png (1.14 MB, 1022x1432, yes chad.png)


>apple user
and... ignored




add this




holy dust


File: 1655221899216.jpg (324.27 KB, 1242x757, 1655063142988.jpg)

add it soot

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