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/suggest/ - Suggest

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1649451363337.png (33.84 KB, 644x800, thumbs up soyjak but no ea….png)

 No.13802[Last 50 Posts]

Leave your questions, feedback, and issues related to booru.soy here.

Booru Link: https://booru.soy

Upload Guidelines: https://booru.soy/wiki/Upload_guidelines

Discord server: https://booru.soy/wiki/Discord


Stop selectively approving nas coals when your discord server deems it to be ias


Can you leave any examples of selective approval? preferably the images you uploaded that were rejected.


File: 1649451660726-0.png (4.34 KB, 331x36, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1649451660726-1.gif (86.24 KB, 112x112, 1613444203913.gif)

slaughter lolkike


this is a fake account named lolkekkeklmaoimaolmaoxdhaha


make the default pfp cobson or soyak


fix the duplicate detection, it gives out non-existant post ids


actually these posts do exist but they're still untagged in the queue, I'm tagging dozens of these every day but it will take a while until I approve all of them
just link the ID here if you want your image to be approved quickly


give me back credit for my 'em you fuck


File: 1649453589018.mp4 (1.48 MB, 600x600, beheadsoot.mp4)

just uploaded this with the appropriate tags, approve pls


How many mods are there?



File: 1649455741358.png (130.64 KB, 1600x800, Fingerboybabyconsumption.png)

>Post 5721 already has hash 5dc0d2fe5f2e04e72ecc9b61e0f67449:



File: 1649456497235.jpg (7.05 KB, 186x192, thumb.jpg)

Restore this gem to it's pristine state


No beared no goasses no open mouth


youre like a troon OP rope yourself



he is a mod


File: 1649560923921.png (248.9 KB, 809x1260, image (10).png)

unban me




Does anyone use "half_open_mouth" tag?
Many soyjaks have half open mouths but lack this tag. I might remove the tag if no one objects to this.


thank you lolkike


remove lolshit


File: 1649656287224.png (343.31 KB, 791x1000, calmson.png)


File: 1649686604235.gif (106.88 KB, 200x200, 7994 - 3dgifmaker animated….gif)

ok but can you stop uploading nas stuff? I don't care if it relates to the 'party



booru trannies kys


hey lolkike, how do I exclude certain tags from the search images and filter certain namefags from my comments list


>how do I exclude certain tags from the search images
just do "-tagname" without quotation marks


File: 1649764085648-0.jpeg (485.35 KB, 1125x1924, DCD7A303-A6DB-406D-8470-4….jpeg)

File: 1649764085648-1.jpeg (476.97 KB, 1594x2397, The Seventh Sidson.jpeg)

File: 1649764085648-2.jpeg (188.96 KB, 959x1433, Sidson samurai.jpeg)


click on them 🙄🙄🙄



then how do I filter namefags retard


just stop reading them


faggot, their is presence itself is a hindrance toward a better future, can soot just add a blacklist feature to guest accounts (non-login) it will improve quality of posting tremendously



Ias id


booru chads live


File: 1649791498794-0.jpeg (262.66 KB, 873x953, EC68D572-32C7-4925-BB4A-B….jpeg)

File: 1649791498794-1.jpeg (136.74 KB, 788x606, E35A16C4-6BF6-41D9-AA1E-9….jpeg)

File: 1649791498794-2.png (499.47 KB, 800x800, D219C21A-91BB-4B8E-B57A-19….png)

Where are these on the booru?


2nd one is here, try reuploading other ones


soooot lolkike keeps deleting comments


hang yourself discord troon


File: 1649841137784.png (391.24 KB, 1375x2392, fat_troonjak-1.png)

Approve this one


kill niggers sanskrit


unban me again please


File: 1649856330292.png (178.61 KB, 1000x1000, ClipboardImage.png)

stop uploading nas coal


fire lolshit


File: 1649858108260.png (21.25 KB, 600x558, image (13).png)

but thats why i want to be unbanned


can you mark a post for deletion


add "nas_to_be_deleted" tag or post it here


File: 1649871982783.png (43.37 KB, 334x409, image (65).png)

approve some posts tranny jannies please. no ones posts are getting approved


He is one of them Too.


Approve the ias gems lolshit, you are selectively censoring again


such as?


if it wasn't approved then it could be a duplicate, try searching for it


Look in the queue loser, i can't upload them again since it's the same hash


upload them here, and I approved almost everything today except for stuff uploaded by a certain spammer (>>13964)


File: 1649897132567-0.png (585.7 KB, 1050x1205, 1605035320598.png)

File: 1649897132567-1.png (46.3 KB, 931x936, 1643315520459.png)

File: 1649897132567-2.png (293.04 KB, 1268x827, 1642369086662.png)



ias like chudjaks and alicia however


File: 1649897435446.gif (277.83 KB, 253x251, 216C4995-44BF-4187-937D-BC….gif)


File: 1649897501783-0.jpg (77.69 KB, 618x612, 1647257397149.jpg)

File: 1649897501783-1.png (3.33 MB, 1302x1851, 1649782120639.png)

File: 1649897501783-2.png (68.14 KB, 680x1020, 1630002876349.png)


why was 9136 deleted




chudjaks are nas coal.
the other one you said is ias.


all filled with dust


File: 1649914930407-0.png (270.13 KB, 740x640, image (3).png)

File: 1649914930407-1.png (26.37 KB, 451x420, image (43).png)

File: 1649914930407-2.png (38.24 KB, 451x420, image (44).png)


File: 1649915009540-0.png (31.14 KB, 446x556, image (45).png)

File: 1649915009540-1.png (43.29 KB, 451x420, image (46).png)

File: 1649915009540-2.png (39.25 KB, 514x518, image (53).png)


File: 1649915073859-0.png (32.39 KB, 621x558, image (54).png)

File: 1649915073859-1.png (28.23 KB, 526x501, image (55).png)

File: 1649915073859-2.png (30 KB, 491x416, image (56).png)


loltroon doesn't seem to think so and thats okay but he should at leas be consistent


File: 1649915146931-0.png (78.41 KB, 360x415, image (57).png)

File: 1649915146931-1.png (20.61 KB, 478x417, image (58).png)

File: 1649915146931-2.png (77.64 KB, 1361x1558, image (62).png)


File: 1649915267952-0.jpg (149.41 KB, 1280x797, image (10).jpg)

File: 1649915267952-1.png (1.06 MB, 1198x796, 1649855213926.png)

File: 1649915267952-2.png (63.13 KB, 427x417, image (59).png)


why are you literally not approving dozens of soyjaks? do your job you useless cunt.


fire (((lolkek)))


get fucking killed and raped to death lolkek


i take that back get killed soot i fuck you mom


stay alive lolchad aryan


soot burn lolkike on a stake


soooooooooot get rid of lolkike he only approves nas coal but only the nas coal he likes


'Luv gem


lolkike unironically censors vinluv gemeralds :/


tsmt she's crying in the vc rn, shame on you lolkike


this thread should be stickied



>and thats okay


There was a poll 6 months ago regarding banning chudjaks from the booru, the majority wanted them to stay and the ones who voted against that poll only wanted lefty chudjaks to be deleted, but political censorship wasn't an option so they had to stay.


>>13932 damn I don't know if I regret making or appreciate the subcommunity arounding that Jak I made when 'tronics was clearly superior
Make a son of the mask one.


File: 1649966652603.jpg (84.58 KB, 1029x1286, xue jiye of the mask.JPG)

Is that Marko made or a Croat pastiche?


it was ran on a datamining service so many people didnt vote


File: 1649967054682.png (72.6 KB, 255x169, ClipboardImage.png)

Also can you repost this big guy? I need my daily Tims


all gems
56 and 58 are diamonds


File: 1649972541159.png (148.73 KB, 637x640, Dannyboytbh missing.png)


nas but if there's actual community demand for this it will be allowed


thank you that is respectable


How will to be measured?


lolshit stop censoring


stop using the sharty to promote your shitty discord drama
no one cares


depending on how forced they are here



all gems


all dust



why didn't lolkek approve my gemeralds again?


>second one is nas
half of the posts on the 'ru are nas.

also its from a soyjak base so it's ias.


disable mod approval


>second one is nas
half of the posts on the 'ru are nas.

also its from a soyjak base so it's ias.


>second one is nas
half of the posts on the 'ru are nas.

also its from a soyjak base so it's ias.



thank you lolkike approver of gems





remove lolshit


fuck you lolkike for approving this coal


lolkike approve my impish ears with glasses soyjak i deleted it by accident



lolkek respond to this >>14073


File: 1650017802437.png (465.64 KB, 791x1000, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1650018044635.png (1.6 MB, 800x800, unknown-7.png)

approve the rest of the gems


scat is not allowed


File: 1650018778880.png (805.62 KB, 652x611, 1650015507368.png)

>scat is not allowed... BECAUSE IT JUST ISNT OKAY!?!


nice moderation retards



thank you again lolkike


my only suggestion is for lolkek to kill himself



File: 1650044146877.png (15.34 KB, 868x574, unnamed jak 2.png)



Well I guess I have a lot of work to do


How is it promoting discord drama. It’s literally a parody of half a decade old memes on /tv/







why are 9242 and 9243 hidden


dude allow it its deepfried anyway and the booru already has scat



ty, also whats the difference between deformed and distorted?


File: 1650059563875-0.png (20.76 KB, 231x218, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1650059563875-1.png (20.05 KB, 296x444, ClipboardImage.png)

distorted images are warped but still recognizable like the one on the left, but deformed ones were distorted heavily to the point where they're ugly or hard to recognize


File: 1650066120252-0.png (685.7 KB, 1112x698, Dannyboy soyteen.png)

File: 1650066120252-1.png (597.25 KB, 1112x698, Schizo dannyboy.png)


File: 1650066456001.png (128.97 KB, 360x450, The Siddler.png)





Approve the vinluvian gemeralds lolshit


thanks for unbanning me from the 'ru again lolkike


vinluv nas garbage you spastic mods, swear to god all that lolicon you faggots browse is rotting ur brain


Honestly I think it's nas (just like chudjaks and yurijaks) but people would complain if I delete sidsons


don’t delete sidgems


its only vinluv samefagging, delete that shit


nobody would complain, look at the guys wiki page contributions, hes tried to force it into like 10 different pages over the past year and they all got reverted. its legit just 1 guy


fuck off loltroon you approve all kinds of nas but you single out this one specifically


lolkike is a pedophile but in this case hes right, its garbage forced nas. kill yourself vinluv


not vinluv + don't care cause lolshit loves nas as long as its targeted at pedos, discord trannies and troons


lolshit is completely rejecting all content uploaded by a certain user just because he voiced concerns about a shit leaking mentally ill freak axe wound owner running the booru


loltrash loves approving pedo troon tranime but a lazily edited in soyjak but spergs out if its the same shit but mocking trannies (like him)


soot will never demote lolkek no matter how much pedo /bant/roon junk he posts so you have to just live with it and at least try to work with him. at least start by cleaning out the retarded nas coal, like vinluvs autism scribbles


File: 1650117365606.gif (22.37 KB, 600x459, image.gif)

why are there only 3 subvariants whats the point


he should keep approving these nas gemeralds like he uses to, why not turn this into wojak booru at this point?



vinluvs autism gems, you mean


he started approving my content again doe


lolkek's cronies approve it, not him


remove lolshit


same thing innit


lolkike explain what subvariant means before you add 100 of them


keep lolchad, he makes soyteens seethe


I added subvariants to make things less complicated, not overcomplicate them.
Subvraiants are derivatives of variants, they should make searching less complicated but more advanced.
For example when someone looks for chudjaks, they are also probably looking for front-facing chudjaks too so it makes sense for both of them to have a "variant:chudjak" tag, but in case someone was looking for front-facing chudjaks only they can type "subvariant:chudjak_front" (or chudjak_front as an alias).

Currently the only subvariants are:
subvariant:protestantjak (I didn't add this one)
I might turn more variants into subvariants in the future (e.g. cryboy_soyjak as a subvariant for classic_soyjak), but in case people don't like this change I might revert it.


this is too complicated, soot, delete the booru


>i added subvariants to make things less complicated

stopped reading there.

wholesomejak is a subvariant of gapejak but its not considered a subvariant. theres other examples. youve only complicated things.


File: 1650136796042.png (105.72 KB, 752x738, image (29).png)

>i made it easier to find masscoal

this is the man who runs the 'ru


of course you didn't read the whole thing


File: 1650139716128-0.png (5 KB, 708x41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1650139716128-1.png (521.13 KB, 800x800, Sidheart.png)

Ummm Based janny?



fuck loltranny, he makes 'jakchads truth


File: 1650140019605.png (661.5 KB, 814x950, Ias.png)

lolkike you literally cannot delete this


if i read the whole thing my opinion would be worse


File: 1650140953388.webm (1.39 MB, 1054x857, b.webm)


holy mother of cope!



I feel sorry for Lolkike,poor girl


making cryboy a subvariant of classic isn't a good idea given how cryboy isn't exclusive to the classic soyjak, look at 670 for example
making wholesome a subvariant of gapejak is a better idea


File: 1650164876272.png (301.29 KB, 796x764, ClipboardImage.png)

fire lolkek and redo his egregious nas rules, they somehow lead to him approving pic rel but not other similar nas trash




stop deleting vinluv gems


this, in fact, upload ALL sidson gemeralds nowe and approve them




File: 1650177207870.png (448.08 KB, 676x1021, elric wholesome.png)

approve elric retarded jannies
Blood omen legacy of kain (based on elric partly) gets in so elric should as well



File: 1650183293209.png (2.13 MB, 1300x1022, 1649488700552.png)

Scat should be allowed if the edits have reasonable effort
>Spamming multiple slightly deformed/distorted soyjaks is not allowed
This rule already covers the situation in the past where a single person was spamming tons of lazy scatjaks


File: 1650183713228.png (436.39 KB, 791x1000, 1650017802437.png)


There's no good reason to single out scatjaks in the rules. There are tons other types of gross images that get approved already


File: 1650185224695.png (Spoiler Image, 839.33 KB, 1080x1470, Screenshot_20220417-034632….png)



File: 1650185255919.png (73.32 KB, 360x393, 1650053426633.png)

I didn't mean to spoiler that


how is the reddit frog related to that



File: 1650185848399.png (96.11 KB, 835x378, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1650187424371.jpg (20.33 KB, 600x504, 1648977259460.jpg)



File: 1650203951865.png (155.88 KB, 1246x692, Froggie swallow BBC.png)


File: 1650205449365-0.png (85.95 KB, 339x322, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1650205449365-1.png (87.77 KB, 339x322, ClipboardImage.png)

Low quality Queen of Spades edits are now banned, this will only affect newer uploads.
OC is still allowed, but pic related isn't.


Nice booru retards why not just call this the blacked wojak booru now?


Remove lolkek


File: 1650210032092.png (361.81 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220417-233429.png)

i dont appreciate lolkike's negativity. can we please do something about his use of negative language on the 'ru?


>banning bbc gems

why hasnt soot personally strangled you yet


lolkek i don’t hate you but why are you leaving this tranny /bant/ garbage up. unironically


this is the right choice


kuuuuz accept scatgems



/bant/ is a gem mine however


/bant/ is a coal mine however


coaler than /pol/ and /lgbt/ combined


File: 1650243166300.png (662.17 KB, 721x720, 1650196260781.png)

approve shitson lolkike


>begging lolkek to take down a 'cado gem


File: 1650245984315.png (4.45 MB, 1234x1570, 1650015130592.png)

Approve the poopgemmies


the selective approving is getting out of hand


provide examples


check the approval queue fag


File: 1650250849505.png (34.38 KB, 523x285, ClipboardImage.png)

you are always denying uploads for no reason and then i can't upload them again, kys unironically


Change the hash then retard


it was uploaded by someone who uploaded dozens of untagged images so I delayed approval of his images until I have time to tag them


>just do more useless work goy the moderation team didnt do nuffin wrong


File: 1650258026808.png (2.09 MB, 1302x1851, 1649782120639.png)

ias approve cuck tranny mods


File: 1650258822527.jpg (80.17 KB, 1200x1000, cobshit.jpg)

Approve poopie gems


sir you are searching for the soyjak booru. this is the tranime pedo wojak blacked selective approval booru



File: 1650262994408.png (879.4 KB, 626x642, ClipboardImage.png)

then this is also nas, delete it


sir you are searching for the nas booru. this is the manime nigger coal blacked selective approval booru



File: 1650265833525.png (378.45 KB, 791x1000, image6.png)


just leave them as tagme and get soyteens to d9 it for you lolkike


File: 1650277376443.png (508.82 KB, 980x785, janny.png)

Approve poopgems


the censorship is getting out of hand soot do something


yeah i agree this is getting ridiculous


only (You) can save the soy booru


kys triptranny


Slash your wrists lolshitter


File: 1650302757983.gif (3.16 MB, 194x254, onions.gif)

I'm trying to post this jak but the 'ru tells me it's already been uploaded, but the link just redirects me to the post list



lolkike i posted a dead ukrainian but his mouth was open and it was very soy, why did you not approve it you tranny


post it here



fire lolkek



Approve the /sid/gems fag


disapprove the /sid/coals hetero




File: 1650399916838-0.png (1.73 MB, 1200x1200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1650399916838-1.png (10.35 KB, 311x313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1650399916838-2.png (503.61 KB, 2048x1078, ClipboardImage.png)

Are these comprehensible to anyone outside the 'cord?


these are all ID'd gemmies wdym


File: 1650418730758.png (266.54 KB, 918x1306, 7146 - black_skin cloud da….png)

>lolkike still hasnt apologised


File: 1650428528067-0.png (406.45 KB, 583x666, image (2).png)

File: 1650428528067-1.png (53.67 KB, 685x567, image (70).png)

lolkike approve these pls ily


remove 9556 its not a soyjak


ias doe


just remove the rules altogether then since it clearly violates everything and is only kept because it distantly relates to soyjak culture




File: 1650509874266.png (24.27 KB, 878x944, devastated soyjak.png)




File: 1650511774439.png (168.31 KB, 864x1113, 6794 - black_eyes closed_m….png)

>loltranny is deleting brandon as well as sid
literally kys


>lolcissy is deleting brandon as well as sid
literally lys


nas coal, dustiest discord brimstone


how is he nas



Stop deleting old images you retarded faggot theres no reason to if they're already tagged


restore that lolshit and kys


stop deleting gems lolkike


fire lolkek


File: 1650535515441.png (181.5 KB, 621x609, 8373 - 4chan closed_mouth ….png)

Brandon website


always has been. always will be


File: 1650549127389.png (1.48 MB, 1024x805, 1650523848449.png)

approve it niggerkike


checked. do it soot

tsmt. if you delete brandon gems lolkike istg youll be sorry


File: 1650549927506-0.png (50.58 KB, 671x574, image (76).png)

File: 1650549927506-1.png (631.61 KB, 1064x600, image (77).png)

these are ias lolkike. approve them jew


someone uploaded cia swedejak weeks ago and it still hasnt been approved :/


forced coal


Old booru admin uploaded hundreds of untagged images and planned to approve them later, but he never had time to do that. I also probably won't finish them anytime soon.
Should I just delete all images in approval queue (850+ images) and start over? hopefully this will make approval quicker and I won't miss new posts.


>delete images that might be lost to time
no fuck off and listen to the replies above



hire more people to do the tagging dipshit if it takes you too long


also stop censoring things why do we have to go to this thread and complain each time some retard disapproves and hash filters ias?


File: 1650574844679-0.jpg (36.67 KB, 236x354, ias gem 1.jpg)

File: 1650574844679-1.jpg (36.13 KB, 474x315, ias gem 2.jpg)

File: 1650574844679-2.jpg (67 KB, 626x417, ias gem 3.jpg)

approve these all ias like the image you uploaded with a small soyjak in the corner


I hashbanned them accidentally, try reuploading.


stop randomly hash banning things


>how is he nas



do it


i deleted the cia swedejak. i uploaded it to the 'ru. just approve it


you sureM


ive uploaded 1000s of coals why wouldnt i upload one i made


sooty soot can we have the heckin poyopoyo guide and soyjak list like the heckin nostalgicerino old booruino back?


I will make a new list soon hopefully.


File: 1650672782526.gif (384.15 KB, 939x916, 1611786279071.gif)

sooooot the rent free soyjak is unapproved




File: 1650674106131.gif (538.8 KB, 510x498, rent-free-reddit2.gif)

>sooooot the rent free soyjak is unapproved


fire lolkek he hasnt been approving ias


delete 9718 its nas



File: 1650690448896-0.png (9.58 KB, 600x800, wholesomegape2.png)

File: 1650690448896-1.png (11.69 KB, 600x800, not soot.png)

>The difference between 'variant:wholesome_soyjak' and 'variant:gapejak' is the stubble.
alright but ones like these should be tagged with both


then tag them as both lol


my point was that the stubble rule is arbitrary


no, they should be tagged as one.


>ias doesn't get approved again
fire lolkek



why don't you approve my soyjaks


which one


File: 1650743801842-0.jpg (85.96 KB, 755x556, datamining filename.jpg)

File: 1650743801842-1.jpg (93.67 KB, 858x827, datamining filename 1.jpg)


File: 1650743812305.png (20.22 KB, 1130x978, Booru_girugamesh.png)

This soyjak makes me laugh every time I see him he looks like a downie


File: 1650744530768.png (192.1 KB, 404x528, ClipboardImage.png)

What's this variant's name?


its honestly tiring making these posts each time lolkek senslessly rejects soyjaks... soot do something


lolkek is soots lover, he wont do anything about this


I approved then rejected second one a while ago, but here it is


New rule
Anyone who uploads over 6 untagged images in a row will be banned.


shit rule kill yourself why else do we have the mods if we have to do all the tagging


just add few basic tags about the subject, most of the time I don't know what ebin anime character or politician soyjaks are referring to.


weak bait


>most of the time I don't know what ebin anime character or politician soyjaks are referring to.
I agree in this case. But you could also just let it through (provided it's ias) with a tagme tag. Someone will tag it eventually. Even if it remains without tags it's much better than it having never been uploaded if you ban people


strong catch


File: 1650746124214.png (3.91 KB, 155x31, ClipboardImage.png)

>Someone will tag it eventually.
I disagree, old booru admin followed that approach and now look how many untagged images are there.
Just put one or two tags related to the image (e.g. vidya, politics, anime, character_name, etc...), you don't have to put tags like open_mouth or variant:xxx.


Even if it remains without tags it's much better than it having never been uploaded


File: 1650746546024.png (391.53 KB, 768x719, 1648934012645.png)



no one wants to see your #291 untagged tranny hate image


everyone wants to see your #291 untagged tranny hate image


Why, do you need tags to understand an image?
Tags only exist to help search images. An untagged image is just hard to discover. An untagged post only harms itself


also anyone can tag images, maybe instead of complaining fix them yourself



Untagged images encouarge laziness, and a booru with untagged images is useless.
Just upload your images to KnowYourMeme if you are too lazy to add 2 basic tags.


lolkek ur doing a good job


cry more and get back to tagging our images lolshit


you are fucking useless


bald cartoon man website. no one's looking for moral lessons


based lolkek, ur right as always


>and a booru with untagged images is useless.
I've just told you besides the original uploader anyone, at any time down the line can add tags to the image. If an image is never uploaded no one will get the chance to see it (hardly, without tags) or to tag it. A booru without images is useless too.
(btw I tag my posts and even (*yikes*) have fun tagging other people stuff)


the least you guys can do is tag your images. if you can’t do that don’t post it on the booru


File: 1650747406131.gif (1.43 MB, 1249x831, 165419815654878.gif)

>Untagged images encouarge la-ACKACKACKACK


Calm down chuds we don't want lolshit to have a mental breakdown again and delete the whole booru because he can't handle tagging a few images


tsmt transwomen are under so much stress already, we wouldnt want her to commit suicide from all the pressure



File: 1650748412618.png (67.7 KB, 419x217, ClipboardImage.png)

ban this spammer


>one image


check the recent comments it's all xim


File: 1650748515872.png (465.63 KB, 791x1000, ClipboardImage.png)



terrific nas


hang yourself




soot do this



i say this


File: 1650775938786.png (604.47 KB, 756x989, 167807628653.png)



lolkike ur doing a bad job


>approve image with "tagme"
>bored soyteens tag images they like


no its not


then approve fewer posts each day so they have time to be tagged. or copy and paste tags

variants share more of their tags


approve the dogs lazy fuck




File: 1650802255890.png (12.03 KB, 600x600, image (79).png)

make an untagged search function so we dont lose any gems


i keep tagging things with nas_to_be_deleted and you ignore them nigger monkey


>lolkike approved the harry potter recolor of frowning masscoal instead of the template


File: 1650804701014.png (51.72 KB, 684x806, funny kuz dog.png)


File: 1650804842652.png (378.46 KB, 791x1000, image8.png)


File: 1650805026049.png (193.23 KB, 686x806, image (2).png)


File: 1650805107322.mp4 (2.01 MB, 264x480, 1649699997964-1.mp4)


File: 1650805135006.gif (2.5 MB, 600x600, 1650796711430.gif)



ias gem


can you at least lock the tags on the ones that were verified, they've already been defiled. I tried to fix them, trannies are defiling everything related to them


File: 1650805829919.png (125.61 KB, 1080x1776, fucking love this zellig d….png)


Verify her NOW.



built for bbc


File: 1650806301927.png (6.22 KB, 684x806, lolkike.png)


>spend 10 minutes tagging a post
>its already been uploaded

why does lolkike expect us to do this when there arent even 10 pages of untagged posts


File: 1650808580979.png (259.84 KB, 684x806, nigger stoner.png)


Someone archive all the dogjaks and post them @ soyjak.download

Or make a dogjak.booru because lolkek is a fucking nigger.


just approve them whats the problem


upload them all to soyjak wiki


File: 1650811534205-0.png (36.08 KB, 724x756, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1650811534205-1.png (72 KB, 1416x1195, ClipboardImage.png)

Can't use the nas excuse when shit like this gets approved


File: 1650812035517-0.gif (164.75 KB, 339x400, 1650773477846.gif)

File: 1650812035517-1.gif (407.59 KB, 622x805, 1650773658150.gif)

File: 1650812035517-2.png (7.88 KB, 684x806, 1650774440080.png)


He should redo the rules, the point about approving things based off of his own judgement of how much "effort" has gone into them leads to low quality shit getting approved as long as he personally thinks its fine but not other times when he personally dislikes certain images, it also makes him a proto-cuck nigger janny who will eventually power trip like any useless axe wound that spends this much time on the internet for something without getting payed


File: 1650812339734-0.gif (69.71 KB, 684x806, rave.gif)

File: 1650812339734-1.webm (1.41 MB, 340x400, drfac.webm)

File: 1650812339734-2.png (122.53 KB, 1080x1776, Fresh_Coal.png)


all made by one person


this, lolkek should kill himself. half of these would be lost if spastics didnt autisticly save them


i made a few so this cant be true kill urself


the community wants you to retard. you dont get a choice


knowing lolkike saying that will make him do the opposite. idk why he approves togglebotts autistic scribble that has like 1 edit but not a silly dogjak


>The requested URL was not found on this server.


File: 1650813797893.png (12.12 KB, 600x600, image (80).png)


loljew where is he


lolshit is currently deleting the dogjaks


Reddit dog images were moved to >>>/soy/511872



he's approved nearly 100 masscoals he clearly doesnt care about nas


boo hoo crybaby axe wound


File: 1650813985674.jpg (53.14 KB, 472x574, 1642917436860.jpg)

>Reddit dog images were moved


you missed most of them retard


shit avatar


what community?


he sadly does since no one will fire him


the international community (nato countries)


s(he) has blackmail on soot, if you know you know


gem avatar


lolkek can you delete the "eyes", "nose" and "teeth" tags


also eyebrows


File: 1650817509889.png (11.21 KB, 1122x567, ClipboardImage.png)

>lolkek can you delete the "eyes", "nose" and "teeth" tags
>also eyebrows


File: 1650817586543.jpeg (147.72 KB, 549x1039, 5175 - angry bloodshot_ey….jpeg)

I removed eyes and nose
"teeth" is a commonly used tag for clenching teeth, so I might replace the tag or keep it as it is.


add a pointing_at_viewer tag as it has a different use than the other pointing jaks which warrants the separation


Added to tasks list.


File: 1650818145654.png (546.5 KB, 883x1400, 411548156.png)

>Added to tasks list.


also consider replacing the "glasses" tag with "no glasses" since most soyjaks have glasses


File: 1650818815164.png (378.46 KB, 791x1000, image9.png)


replace it with "clenching teeth" (which only feraljaks have mostly in any case) or something so autists dont tag every soyjak with teeth because they all have teeth.

why keep eyebrows when theres a large_eyebrows tag?


why are you a big fan of the glasses tag thoughever


thankyou lolkek


I will remove eyebrows tag soon, but replace appropriate images with large_eyebrows.


appreciate it. soot should pay you


replace tie with necktie


sooot make "big_ear/ears" "big_eyes" and variants of that kind of tag correct to large_eyes or something like that



e621 has a massive list of synonyms it autocorrects


hello poop hell i do not know what these mean since i'm not russian


there are few aliases (see https://booru.soy/alias/list), feel free to suggest new ones.



unban me lolkike. why would anyone tag posts when 99% of approved posts are tagged, and the rest are being tagged?


lift the rangebans and remove the hashban addon


stop banning people who contribute for annoying you


File: 1650854617901-0.png (203.88 KB, 426x403, image (8).png)

File: 1650854617901-1.png (600.53 KB, 640x480, image.png)

add ukrainwarts letter / soyjak cafe acceptence letter massjak


built for bwc



truth + win get


File: 1650865325143.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1776, 1650864496710.png)



approve the dogjaks niggermonkey


thanks for unbanning me lolkek.

also, consider replacing "stubble" with "no stubble" since most soyjaks have stubble


approve the cobson bbc gemmies



add it yourself smh. 'teens are so lazy


File: 1650873543984.gif (1.74 MB, 202x255, 1650037806104.gif)

lolkek i think its time for you to consider if ishish_soyjak_ears, impish, wholesome_soyjak and so on are their own variants or subvariants

subvariants currently includes "variants" in their own right: massjak (different eyes, nose, head shape), protestantjak (different glasses, hair), arkansasjak (different headshape, no eyebrows, ugly)...

inbetween variants (e.g. female wholesome_soyjak, female_cobson)...

and variants simply in different positions (e.g. front facing chudjak, etc.), despite variant:gapejak_2, variant:gapejak_3 and other examples performing the same concept.

the subvariant experiment has no thought behind it. there are no rules, there are no categories.

i just have one question: what is it that you want to accomplish?

do you want to distinguish variants that are based off previous variants?

do you want to distinguish variants with significant differences?

do you want to distinguish variants in different positions?

what are you actually trying to accomplish? maybe the soymunity can help you


File: 1650875299920.png (162.38 KB, 684x1068, 1650868415911.png)

approve dogjaks POOPKEK


its literally only 500 posts.

swedejak, for example, is 500 posts. swedejak is only 20 pages.

if spend you a minute tagging each image itll take 8 hours. 8 soyteens can do it in an hour.

legitimately, if lolkike released them theyd be tagged in a day. he could do it himself in 2 days.



File: 1650890879024.png (90.84 KB, 632x756, ClipboardImage.png)

why isnt da 'cado approved yet fix ittttt


File: 1650891400572.png (8.36 KB, 684x806, funny colorful dog.png)

>Chudjak is nas but gets approved by lolkike
>Dogjak ias (alleged to be nas by mentally ill trannies) but gets rejected by lolkike
What's the deal?


it’s shit


The booru is full of coal, your point?


dog is more ias than chudjak and most of the tranime shit lolfag approves





We should stop coaling UP more and start deleing all the coal


Lolnigger is already doing that except he thinks coal are gems


File: 1650893887440.png (3.73 KB, 200x42, screenshotnigger.png)



fire lolcuck


>Dogjak ias
Explain, he's just a dog, no soyboy traits, nothing, at least chuds and soyboys share the common trait that being both are low-testosterone betas, and at least chudjak is almost always used for mockery, which retains the old spirit of jakking, yours is just a deviantart sketch, what's next, am we going to have to upload our Sonic OCs to the booru?


the age of soyjaks just being used for depicting your opponent as a numale beta are long gone. Soyjaks have evolved to the point of being unrecognizable sometimes but they distantly always hold onto some core features of the original soyjaks, denying this is fine but then at least delete all other shit off the booru that isn't soy puritanical too



I never banned you or anyone in the last few days, also no.
As more variants are being created, it is harder to distinguish between them for the average person, I believe someone who is interested in wholesomejaks might also be interested in massjaks, but in case someone wanted massjaks they can just search for massjak tag. I have been thinking of turning wholesomejak into a gapejak subvariant, but I don't think impish or ishish soyaks should be subvariants. As for chudjaks they're only used for baiting /pol/chuds, so someone who searches for chudjaks wouldn't care if the chud was front facing or drawn in another way.
They're still in the queue, I might approve them later if they're still popular but not forced.
I believe they're mostly untagged images uploaded by subooru admin, I might release them later but I actually do approve dozens of them each day.
It's technically against the rules but I won't be autistic about it.
read this >>14702, also chudjaks are nas but they're on the booru because the community voted for them to stay.


File: 1650903831066.jpg (131.27 KB, 440x577, angry bern.jpg)

dogjak is sharty culture therefore it should go in the booru


41 percent


File: 1650903944992.png (708.01 KB, 545x574, 1650573937900.png)

>I never banned you or anyone in the last few days, also no.
>As more variants are being created, it is harder to distinguish between them for the average person, I believe someone who is interested in wholesomejaks might also be interested in massjaks, but in case someone wanted massjaks they can just search for massjak tag. I have been thinking of turning wholesomejak into a gapejak subvariant, but I don't think impish or ishish soyaks should be subvariants. As for chudjaks they're only used for baiting /pol/chuds, so someone who searches for chudjaks wouldn't care if the chud was front facing or drawn in another way.
>They're still in the queue, I might approve them later if they're still popular but not forced.
>I believe they're mostly untagged images uploaded by subooru admin, I might release them later but I actually do approve dozens of them each day.
>It's technically against the rules but I won't be autistic about it.
>read this >>14702, also chudjaks are nas but they're on the booru because the community voted for them to stay.


File: 1650903961982.png (402.77 KB, 855x697, ClipboardImage.png)

seems like dogjak is only accepted if it has open mouth


the average person is ok with living in the pod eating bugs having poison injected into them being genocided and having their culture, language and country destroyed so i dont think the booru should be run around the average persons mindset


stupid take shit without open mouth gets accepted all the time approve all dogjaks lolkek


File: 1650905905849.jpg (110.24 KB, 928x956, Bern boomer.jpg)



File: 1650906004232.gif (138.04 KB, 45x40, 1650239510009.gif)

>the average person is ok with living in the pod eating bugs having poison injected into them being genocided and having their culture, language and country destroyed so i dont think the booru should be run around the average persons mindset


>tranny hates dogjak
many such cases!


File: 1650915073146.png (592.3 KB, 1324x1024, ClipboardImage.png)

>>tranny hates dogjak
>many such cases!


tranny artstyle unironcally


> 1650905905849.jpg (110.24 KB, 928x956, Bern boomer.jpg)
built for BBC


File: 1650916594063.png (51.16 KB, 1170x1156, discord chud vcmacht.png)

>built for BBC


> 1650916594063.png (51.16 KB, 1170x1156, discord chud vcmacht.png
built for BBC


File: 1650917665499.png (878.27 KB, 2880x2243, death to niggers.png)

>he's just a dog, no soyboy traits
Whiskers (dogs cant grow beards), glasses and styled like a wojak/soyjak
>at least chuds and soyboys share the common trait that being both are low-testosterone betas
False, chuds are high-T alphamales and terriers are the soyboys of dog breeds
>and at least chudjak is almost always used for mockery, which retains the old spirit of jakking
Dogjak causes seething among schizophrenics and soyteens, much like chudjak
>yours is just a deviantart sketch
Any variant you don't like is deviantart now? As expected of boorucucks


File: 1650917725343.png (21.94 KB, 248x425, Dyel chud.png)

>False, chuds are high-T alphamales


File: 1650918309414.png (67.92 KB, 1360x1237, Morroco Chud Incel.png)

>built for BBC


File: 1650918371644.gif (156.56 KB, 756x608, cobson-anal-soy4.gif)

>Tfw no cobfuck on the 'ooru


I'm not fat.


So you're saying you look like that but a little thinner


Dogjak is a forced meme and he is already dead by now just after one day of two obsessed schizos forcing him, he will be forgotten by two weeks so having him on the booru isn't worth it.


Colorfuljaks is a forced meme and he is already dead by now just after one day of two obsessed scat schizos forcing him, he will be forgotten by two weeks so having him on the wiki isn't worth it.


colorjaks were forced but they're ias at least


remove the hashban addon


colorjaks are part of original sharty heritage but i agree the nucolor tards have not expanded his archetype to an extend where it would be justified in making an article


there's some way to stop him?


File: 1650943438847.png (981.31 KB, 1594x1518, 1642139694-0.png)

>>False, chuds are high-T alphamales


nas coal


>many chad hates dogjak
many such cases!


manly artstyle unironcally


>he's just a dog, no soyboy traits, nothing
>at least chuds and soyboys share the common trait
false, one is nas and the other ias.
>terriers are the soyboys of dog breeds
false, however



>also chudjaks are nas
then why you don't delete all the nas coal, lolkike.
>but they're on the booru because the community voted for them to stay
the one of 2021?
that was rigged by Whiplash.


File: 1650965788206.png (241.5 KB, 644x800, image.png)

>I never banned you

dont gaslight me


whats the soyjak tag for


>It's LE BOARD CULTURE therefor not nas
both dog and colorjaks are good, but your reasoning is retarded.


>both dog and colorjaks are good


File: 1650981315480.png (524.63 KB, 1080x1611, Screenshot_20220426-085437….png)

so axe wound gets banned on sight here but is allowed to post his dust all he wants on the booru? what's the deal? I really want soot's reasoning for this


To be fair he didn't say anything, he just ignored my message. But he responded to some messages I sent to him later.



File: 1650982399033.jpg (19.32 KB, 248x266, 1650957508907.jpg)

>>14764 (you)
>>14765 (you)


fire yourself lolkek


approve the dogjaks



email him again we already ban axe wound everywhere he should do it on the ru too


When was the last time he responded to one of your emails?


File: 1651009146995.png (276.68 KB, 991x491, rich person files.png)

Here are the soyfiles y'all were asking for




restore all the shadowbanned 'jaks that redirect you to the homepage if you try to open them


they're all in the zip above


he does this all the time to seemingly random jaks, it's really annoying


File: 1651030183698.jpeg (62.71 KB, 482x427, images.jpeg)

>its all bbc


soot add aliases for two pointing soyjaks, cobson
how about .vtp and .vco


mostly dust and coal, but some small decent ones


File: 1651030902037.png (101.87 KB, 445x249, ClipboardImage.png)

nigga what the fuck is a pineapple jpg doing in the soyfiles?


lots of gems there lolshit should approve them


the booru is a shithole filled with nas coal, seeing a pineaple is normal at this rate.


lots of coal there lolkike should kill himself for coaling UP the booru and posting this.


i propose we should upload a whole collection of pineapples just to clog the approval queue up




File: 1651051307061.png (582.13 KB, 622x806, 1650691862502.png)

>They're still in the queue, I might approve them later if they're still popular but not forced.
I'd argue dogjak isn't forced, someone archived the first thread the template came from and it was some guy making shitty saturation edits of a stupid dog photo and then randomly traced it. he fucked it up and people took it and fixed it/made edits, I can't see anything indicating it's a forced discord meme like trannies make it out to be


hell people still post new edits to the containment thread you made every day


it's a template
only 2 ips are posting edits in that thread


Im one of the ips, I save them from other threads and post them there but theres no way im the only one


and im only forced to do that because you wont add them to the booru


File: 1651055586499.png (18.06 KB, 237x336, image (6).png)

from a masscoal thread thoughever


File: 1651055743202.png (81.91 KB, 610x784, image.png)

>half of the soyfiles are masscoal

lolkek keep them locked away


the same discord where fags like goth tried to frame kuz? how stupid are you to believe that massjak is forced by troons and not hated by them, of course they'd try to attach their names to something they hate. you wouldnt use something endorsed by a pedophile would you? how stupid are you.


no this is soyjak cafe, they claim they aren't troons but that doesn't make them any good.


File: 1651055843374.png (307.49 KB, 712x401, image (67).png)

kuz is in that discord too you know. they worship him there. he made half of the coals they constantly spam


kuz is banned from the discord and is soon to post an archive of their latest chatlogs


theyll invite him back. they just want drama


i actually do agree they want drama, but i dont think kuz intends for that but this is offtopic and retarded. they absolutely hate kuz and would do anything to defame him, massjak hate is all from discord fags


they worship kuz and the masscoal hate is because its forced discordtroon coal


none of this is true, they simply say this to make YOU hate it. you hate discordtroons so if a discord troon says they like something you'll automatically hate it, nigger tactics


But some of that shit is on 'ru, however


Lolkek for what it’s worth i think you do a pretty good job.


suggestion: replace smirk with smug or vice versa


this. the booru's almost usuable because of his tranny jannying rn. getting even easier to find posts


>discordtroons only pretend to love every single coal variant sharty hates
>including impjak, bbc cobson, colorjak, deformed jaks, chud jaks, massjak, dogjak etc.


I say this


merge suspenders and overalls


File: 1651067875280.png (224.41 KB, 768x719, 1651067523197.png)

>I say this


all fucking niggers must hang


New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857


This So much this


all trannies and niggers must die

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