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File: 1649451363337.png (33.84 KB, 644x800, thumbs up soyjak but no ea….png)

 No.13802[View All]

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481 posts and 152 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1650981315480.png (524.63 KB, 1080x1611, Screenshot_20220426-085437….png)

so axe wound gets banned on sight here but is allowed to post his dust all he wants on the booru? what's the deal? I really want soot's reasoning for this


To be fair he didn't say anything, he just ignored my message. But he responded to some messages I sent to him later.



File: 1650982399033.jpg (19.32 KB, 248x266, 1650957508907.jpg)

>>14764 (you)
>>14765 (you)


fire yourself lolkek


approve the dogjaks



email him again we already ban axe wound everywhere he should do it on the ru too


When was the last time he responded to one of your emails?


File: 1651009146995.png (276.68 KB, 991x491, rich person files.png)

Here are the soyfiles y'all were asking for




restore all the shadowbanned 'jaks that redirect you to the homepage if you try to open them


they're all in the zip above


he does this all the time to seemingly random jaks, it's really annoying


File: 1651030183698.jpeg (62.71 KB, 482x427, images.jpeg)

>its all bbc


soot add aliases for two pointing soyjaks, cobson
how about .vtp and .vco


mostly dust and coal, but some small decent ones


File: 1651030902037.png (101.87 KB, 445x249, ClipboardImage.png)

nigga what the fuck is a pineapple jpg doing in the soyfiles?


lots of gems there lolshit should approve them


the booru is a shithole filled with nas coal, seeing a pineaple is normal at this rate.


lots of coal there lolkike should kill himself for coaling UP the booru and posting this.


i propose we should upload a whole collection of pineapples just to clog the approval queue up




File: 1651051307061.png (582.13 KB, 622x806, 1650691862502.png)

>They're still in the queue, I might approve them later if they're still popular but not forced.
I'd argue dogjak isn't forced, someone archived the first thread the template came from and it was some guy making shitty saturation edits of a stupid dog photo and then randomly traced it. he fucked it up and people took it and fixed it/made edits, I can't see anything indicating it's a forced discord meme like trannies make it out to be


hell people still post new edits to the containment thread you made every day


it's a template
only 2 ips are posting edits in that thread


Im one of the ips, I save them from other threads and post them there but theres no way im the only one


and im only forced to do that because you wont add them to the booru


File: 1651055586499.png (18.06 KB, 237x336, image (6).png)

from a masscoal thread thoughever


File: 1651055743202.png (81.91 KB, 610x784, image.png)

>half of the soyfiles are masscoal

lolkek keep them locked away


the same discord where fags like goth tried to frame kuz? how stupid are you to believe that massjak is forced by troons and not hated by them, of course they'd try to attach their names to something they hate. you wouldnt use something endorsed by a pedophile would you? how stupid are you.


no this is soyjak cafe, they claim they aren't troons but that doesn't make them any good.


File: 1651055843374.png (307.49 KB, 712x401, image (67).png)

kuz is in that discord too you know. they worship him there. he made half of the coals they constantly spam


kuz is banned from the discord and is soon to post an archive of their latest chatlogs


theyll invite him back. they just want drama


i actually do agree they want drama, but i dont think kuz intends for that but this is offtopic and retarded. they absolutely hate kuz and would do anything to defame him, massjak hate is all from discord fags


they worship kuz and the masscoal hate is because its forced discordtroon coal


none of this is true, they simply say this to make YOU hate it. you hate discordtroons so if a discord troon says they like something you'll automatically hate it, nigger tactics


But some of that shit is on 'ru, however


Lolkek for what it’s worth i think you do a pretty good job.


suggestion: replace smirk with smug or vice versa


this. the booru's almost usuable because of his tranny jannying rn. getting even easier to find posts


>discordtroons only pretend to love every single coal variant sharty hates
>including impjak, bbc cobson, colorjak, deformed jaks, chud jaks, massjak, dogjak etc.


I say this


merge suspenders and overalls


File: 1651067875280.png (224.41 KB, 768x719, 1651067523197.png)

>I say this


all fucking niggers must hang


New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857
New thread: >>14857


This So much this


all trannies and niggers must die

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