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 No.13054[Last 50 Posts]


nobody says this


improve 3ch article


Can you guys close account creation and not allow it people without accounts to edit? (((They))) are coaling up the wiki beyond belief


hi cia


ban this vandal, he is an unfunny sneed teen who keeps replacing legitimate articles with sneed or nigger


snoot remove captcha


nigga can’t answer a math question 😭


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stop vandalizing it SneederFeeder you fucking faggot


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Does anyone have any sources or Archives of the original evolvedsquid threads on the 'party? I remember one which was the one where we discovered him and there was another where a chud contacted him and got him to take this picture. If none of you have anything from that but remember at least give me your recollection of events. I want to finally make a page about him


there may have been archive links


how could i find those


where could i find those


don't ban it he is a funny sneed MAN who fix coal articles with sneed or nigger


some says this


This page needs massive revisions. There really was no Soyvil War 2, just Kuz samefagging and insisting there was conflict.


I dislike kuz and I disagree, the removal of the sticky and janny chimpout was pretty significant


I mean the page is definitely written by kuz and needs revision, but it's safe to call it soyvil war 2


But what Civil unrest was there? What large split between the soyjak community occurred? It was just Kuz and his friends again. It’s not even close to the rift in the comment that was the first soyvil war


I changed this page to reflect the situation better. Thoughts?


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it's alright but did this really deserve an article?


Kuz made the article, not me. I don’t think the article was ever necessary but it exists and it’s about something that did happen here, so I thought I might as well make it accurate


If i had the choice I would just delete it


Kuzs account, ironlover, hasnt been active in a long time



It can be deleted or something?


only soot can delete it


Give me a personal thread now.


Either make a page about Kuz that is funny or actually represents the opinions of the soyjak.party userbase or I will keep fixing the page forever


soot ban user:SneederFeeder


this please do it soooot




this, they keep reversing my edits


Kuz make it so Kuz and his friend's cant keep coaling up the wiki. It's very obvious who these random IP's and VPNs that only edit pages about Kuz are.


Hi, Gem.
Seething and Dilating right now?


Soot, can you do something about these Kuz sockpuppet IPs? They’re so obviously him


kys kuz


kys kuz


started the soyjak history/happening page
can any old fags add to it pls?


Soot do something about (((the vandalizers)))


this is getting out hand. soot it's time to step in, make the kuz article only editable for a handful of trusted editors to add recent dramas and that's it.


the fish perspective page and the soot perspective page are funny doe. but yeah i agree



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>this is getting out hand. soot it's time to step in, make the kuz article only editable for a handful of trusted editors to add recent dramas and that's it.


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reminder that the person who spammed this thing, also spammed CP on the wiki




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ew wtf sooooot


I sort of did sound like kuz lol. I just meant that point of the wiki is to be dedicated to facts and should document anything happening in soy community. I don't want kuz drones or his detractors shitting up his page constantly.


As of me posting this, a page similar to this is probably the best compromise. Maybe change the first line (even though its accurate) but I think its close to the most neutral we can get. Also, I like the classified documents thing, its funny.


I don't think the wiki should be dedicated to facts. Its also supposed to be funny, but yeah, it should generally reflect the attitude of the soy community


this thread is in dire need of being funny


are you talking about the wiki page or this thread?


the wiki page


well check the edit history, every time someone tries to add a funny edit another autistic retard will revert that


you mean Kuz, right? kuz is editing this obviously



it's shit


kys kuz


It's a serious, however


I think we should try and neutralize the kuz article instead of having it split between a bunch, i reverted it to the pre-edit war version and I put up a thing that asked other people to make it less biased



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doxx him soiteens


wikipedia is a kike website ran by white hating communists


If only


I tried that but we can't do that without admin intervention


compare the pages for white nationalism and black nationalism


nigger spammer on the 'ki


he is only spamming SneederFeeder's userpage and his own bbc page so I don't care


no wants bbc shit, tho.
All thinks they come from shitcord or something like that.
Also that guy filled everything with his shit like two weeks ago, and some pages are still filled with that.


we don’t need a kuz page, we already had a compromise by turning it into a portal for the other kuz pages


Why wouldnt he? Hes a large part of the site at this point and the article is neutral. The old split was shit and the sootist version was just bbcoal coal and the kuzist page was just asking to be vandalized. This page is best


I don't think he deserves much attention, and you know very well this page will be vandalized heavily to not be neutral


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your font is ugly




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Mexican twink deserves his own page


That's not a twink


make it yourself obsessed schizo


Fatty posting is decades old



the soyjak wiki is a war zone, multiple factions (some of them using scripts) are constantly fighting a fierce battle over the content of certain articles


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Not the one you want but I think I got the fix


we need more sidson pages



cobson has a page and so does massjak. discord troons won :/


this tbh


both party culture


>soyjak 'afe culture is party culture now
god help us


Ban sneeder feeder
All he does is nuke articles that trigger him like the cafe coin one. He is basically no better than a Wikipedia tranny jannie.


I left the wiki because of him


What's the point of this thread, was any complaint ever answered?



Was he pro or anti alt history?


he was pro alt history


his soyrooms edit was fine. he just added a picture


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>He also likes to replace chud with chad and removes any anti-/pol/ mention from articles


he removes anti-troon mentions too. he's a troon


then make it


>anti-troon mentions


he removes pro-troon mentions too. he's a chad


if you post a troonjak he deletes it


>rouge mod removed
who was it? does he janny the board or is it wiki only? (also fuck the kemono admins)

is he the guy who pasta my jak on /VPG/ pol




>who was it?
one mod on /soy/ board


somechud copy the Soyrooms level 5 thread onto the og article


you do it



i can't insert one picture because some stupid faggot already uploaded it, how do i place images if they already exist and can't upload them from my own pc


nvm fixed it now it's good


level 6 dropped too


>think of it as a (better) knowyourmeme for soyjaks
it's unironically worse, delete this


is it ok if i create the Virtual_Machines article on the sharty wiki? ED requires long approval just so i could edit shit this one on the other hand is very lax and allows anonymous editing
just need a clarifaction from the mods is it ok if a make a non soyjak article on the wiki or is strictly sharty only?


go right ahead


nas (not a soyjak) articles are allowed


How can a page be deleted? Can only Soot do this?


anyone here still edit the wiki? i have an idea for a template but i dont know how to make one


What's your idea? Do you have an example from wikipedia or somewhere else?
Only soot can do that


I want to make a template that has a warning about KolymaNET influence. It can be used on pages that were made by Kuz or are frequently vandalized by him. It can also just be used on any Kuz related page so people can avoid drama coal if they want to



yeah, but with russian military theming. could be cool


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the trannycord niggers ruined my cafe coin article

No tranny perspective is needed


the "cord perspective" page is obviously just funny lore shit. i dont know why people cant accept it as a joke, its obviously not pro-discord


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>just funny lore shit
yes its not forced gay coal for trannies or anything


Hey man, I really don't mean to fight. Do you want to try to talk about this and resolve the issue? because i rly think its just making fun of discord troons


this is supposed to be against cafe troons, because they are supposedly the ones responsible for niggerspam. I think you didn't quite get it.


he is a massive sperg, I engaged in countless edit wars with him and he never agreed to negotiate.


I feel like Soot should give a trusted editor or something some permissions on the wiki. We need a better way to negotiate and fix these things, and soot is never online. The fact that some people are simply just trying to cause chaos means we need someone that helps things along. Essentially we need what Lolkek is for the booru, but on the wiki. Preferably someone more reasonable than lolkek


dude I only did 1 edit ever on the wiki


Sorry I confused you with another sperg


dont worry
I still dont like that line of the tranny perspective on the coins but since you guys says its just calling out I guess its harmless


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He should add some filters that prevent you from doing certain actions such as replacing pages, but users with 100+ edits for example can bypass this. And pages with edit wars should be locked for active users too.

I know I'm dreaming though, soot would never do something like that.


This isn't impossible, just email soot about it, and ask lolkek about it in his thread. Maybe he'll relay it to Soot




>because they are supposedly the ones responsible for niggerspam.
Then put something like "proof that they are nigger spammers"


So if they change the wording against them will you accept merging the articles? the wiki doesn't need another split over something stupid.


Yeah, mix the two views.


truth does not fear investigation also make sure to archive it first goyim (why do you wanna delete shit? trying to hide something?)

what about the ED templates can you upload them there too we need some new ones?
also can you turn this into a template/CSS https://archive.is/YppuG i am going to apply the glowie theme to my own pages

can i apply for mod? im not a fed i just wanna try something new for the first time
hey sootkin why did jakkie-chan go down a few hours ago what happened? was it a planned migration i thought we got esther CP'd again


oh yeah forgot to mention that im trans, hope you don't mind





>>15387 can soot eject the impostor
fuck off sussybaka do you happen to be the same retard /r/eporting and impersonating my posts on zz/z/iggerchan/sleepychan fuck off romania YOU WILL NEVER BE A REAL GAMER (also why are you following me all over partychan KP oy get out)


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soot punish people for excessive edit wars, at least this guy who is botting


Can you enable ParserFunctions?
Almost every wiki uses it because it's essential for infoboxes


>essential for infoboxes
You can still make infoboxes without it, although barebones. (and you also can't copy infoboxes from anywhere else because they all have ParserFunctions) Military Conflict infobox is used throughout: https://wiki.soyjak.party/index.php?title=Special:Search&profile=all&search=infobox Military Conflict&fulltext=1



Yes you can, but like you said it's pretty barebones.
For example, if you want to show death date in an infobox, but the person hasn't died yet, this extension will help with that.


I have an intense desire to create a binomial taxonomy for soyjaks


I'll improve it


dafuq is this disgusting abomination i am seeing can guys switch ti dokuwiki even though its patreon-ware JFC i fucking hate the antichrist so much
can't they just set this to [this user edits wiki pages] like any decent developer would? (fuck trannies and LGBTQPZFurfags)
>How do you prefer to be described? (When mentioning you, the software will use gender neutral words whenever possible)
[o] They edit wiki pages
[o] She edits wiki pages
[o] He edits wiki pages
>Setting this preference is optional. The software uses its value to address you and to mention you to others using the appropriate grammatical gender. This information will be public.

also why does chat.soyjak.party redirect to the blog? i miss that IRC board
what the heck is this error? the feds are getting desperate eh? can soot fix this (RIP neinchan)
Database error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'hidden'@'localhost' (using password: YES)


dafuq is this disgusting abomination i am seeing can you guys switch to dokuwiki even though its patreon-ware JFC i fucking hate the antichrist so much
can't they just set this to [this user edits wiki pages] like any decent developer would? (fuck trannies and LGBTQPZFurfags)
>How do you prefer to be described? (When mentioning you, the software will use gender neutral words whenever possible)
[o] They edit wiki pages
[o] She edits wiki pages
[o] He edits wiki pages
>Setting this preference is optional. The software uses its value to address you and to mention you to others using the appropriate grammatical gender. This information will be public.

what the heck is this error? the feds are getting desperate eh? can soot fix this (RIP neinchan due to mongoD ECONNECTION REFUSED error)
Database error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'hidden'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
also why does chat.soyjak.party redirect to the blog? i miss that IRC board (kek i almost managed to get GPU-P working with a grain of salt so close but the system crashes)
now im getting [Unable to open file for writing: suggest//res/13054.json] is the database fucked?


>>15489 >>15488 >>15490 >>15496 https://archive.is/PYm7Q
holy fuck i apologize for the multi duplicate post the server was malfuctioning that time


There's this new infobox that works without this extension, but the problem is that it doesn't work well with phones, and that problem (I think) requires another extension to be solved


>Sorry for the time traveling. As a result of a false abuse report, the server was terminated, and so I was forced to restore from an older backup.
just how old is the backup? (no offense but you really need to selfhost ASAP the feds are getting desperate)
also everything looks very recent how much was lost? also 4tb drives are cheap in our thirdworld shithole go buy one and install freenas and borgbackup on a spare mini pc
PROTIP: when selfhosting use the mini pc as a main server and the VPS as a high speed cache/gateway so basically all user posts will be quickly synced to your home server before updating the json (due to the small 32gb size of the server might as well get a cheap m.2 office drive or a decent SDcard for the media since imageboards aren't really that write intensive)



two niggers are vandalizing the 'ki


everything seems to be reverted


the do a shit


he's doing it again


soot do something


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Extremely funny.
Who took the time for the wiki did a great job.
The whole lore is amazing.
You got the schizos, the jakks, the mods..
Its beautiful.


stop making fun of us


cry cuck




cry cuck


vandalCHADS own this wiki. soitrannies eternally seething


cry nigger


wikiCHADS own this page. vandaltrannies eternally seething


soot do soentning


Somebody update this, we NEED all the latest attentionwhores listed


the duality of the sharty




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What is this nas coal even allowed


gem also nas is allowed


it's nas pedo dust


it's a soyjak albeit


It's pedo nas coal


im new how do I make an article?


It's a map gem


its nas shitcord cp-spammer dust.




It's nas discord raiders.
Take advantage of the almost 0 moderation that the wikk has and vandalize that page as much as you can.



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2 weeks ago I remember total number of articles was over 360
now this number has went down


most were coal


two fags are vandalizing the wiki, again.


at this point it's an anarchy wiki


We do even need a wiki?
It's just a shitshow now.


>you're also free to make pages about anything else you want
why do you niggers keep deleting nas articles? soot said that the wiki can be used for anything even if it's nas.


You know... You are right, I'm gonna make pages about everything I want.


I will be moving to frenschan wiki once that opens ???

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