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/suggest/ - Suggest

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1645623717381.png (551.9 KB, 1024x1280, soyjak wiki.png)

 No.13054[View All]

143 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1652608078736.png (449.83 KB, 814x1253, ClipboardImage.png)

soot punish people for excessive edit wars, at least this guy who is botting


Can you enable ParserFunctions?
Almost every wiki uses it because it's essential for infoboxes


>essential for infoboxes
You can still make infoboxes without it, although barebones. (and you also can't copy infoboxes from anywhere else because they all have ParserFunctions) Military Conflict infobox is used throughout: https://wiki.soyjak.party/index.php?title=Special:Search&profile=all&search=infobox Military Conflict&fulltext=1



Yes you can, but like you said it's pretty barebones.
For example, if you want to show death date in an infobox, but the person hasn't died yet, this extension will help with that.


I have an intense desire to create a binomial taxonomy for soyjaks


I'll improve it


dafuq is this disgusting abomination i am seeing can guys switch ti dokuwiki even though its patreon-ware JFC i fucking hate the antichrist so much
can't they just set this to [this user edits wiki pages] like any decent developer would? (fuck trannies and LGBTQPZFurfags)
>How do you prefer to be described? (When mentioning you, the software will use gender neutral words whenever possible)
[o] They edit wiki pages
[o] She edits wiki pages
[o] He edits wiki pages
>Setting this preference is optional. The software uses its value to address you and to mention you to others using the appropriate grammatical gender. This information will be public.

also why does chat.soyjak.party redirect to the blog? i miss that IRC board
what the heck is this error? the feds are getting desperate eh? can soot fix this (RIP neinchan)
Database error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'hidden'@'localhost' (using password: YES)


dafuq is this disgusting abomination i am seeing can you guys switch to dokuwiki even though its patreon-ware JFC i fucking hate the antichrist so much
can't they just set this to [this user edits wiki pages] like any decent developer would? (fuck trannies and LGBTQPZFurfags)
>How do you prefer to be described? (When mentioning you, the software will use gender neutral words whenever possible)
[o] They edit wiki pages
[o] She edits wiki pages
[o] He edits wiki pages
>Setting this preference is optional. The software uses its value to address you and to mention you to others using the appropriate grammatical gender. This information will be public.

what the heck is this error? the feds are getting desperate eh? can soot fix this (RIP neinchan due to mongoD ECONNECTION REFUSED error)
Database error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'hidden'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
also why does chat.soyjak.party redirect to the blog? i miss that IRC board (kek i almost managed to get GPU-P working with a grain of salt so close but the system crashes)
now im getting [Unable to open file for writing: suggest//res/13054.json] is the database fucked?


>>15489 >>15488 >>15490 >>15496 https://archive.is/PYm7Q
holy fuck i apologize for the multi duplicate post the server was malfuctioning that time


There's this new infobox that works without this extension, but the problem is that it doesn't work well with phones, and that problem (I think) requires another extension to be solved


>Sorry for the time traveling. As a result of a false abuse report, the server was terminated, and so I was forced to restore from an older backup.
just how old is the backup? (no offense but you really need to selfhost ASAP the feds are getting desperate)
also everything looks very recent how much was lost? also 4tb drives are cheap in our thirdworld shithole go buy one and install freenas and borgbackup on a spare mini pc
PROTIP: when selfhosting use the mini pc as a main server and the VPS as a high speed cache/gateway so basically all user posts will be quickly synced to your home server before updating the json (due to the small 32gb size of the server might as well get a cheap m.2 office drive or a decent SDcard for the media since imageboards aren't really that write intensive)



two niggers are vandalizing the 'ki


everything seems to be reverted


the do a shit


he's doing it again


soot do something


File: 1653880521734.png (49.48 KB, 600x612, de6.png)

Extremely funny.
Who took the time for the wiki did a great job.
The whole lore is amazing.
You got the schizos, the jakks, the mods..
Its beautiful.


stop making fun of us


cry cuck




cry cuck


vandalCHADS own this wiki. soitrannies eternally seething


cry nigger


wikiCHADS own this page. vandaltrannies eternally seething


soot do soentning


Somebody update this, we NEED all the latest attentionwhores listed


the duality of the sharty




File: 1654692683221.jpg (181.53 KB, 1080x1966, 20220608_074748.jpg)

What is this nas coal even allowed


gem also nas is allowed


it's nas pedo dust


it's a soyjak albeit


It's pedo nas coal


im new how do I make an article?


It's a map gem


its nas shitcord cp-spammer dust.




It's nas discord raiders.
Take advantage of the almost 0 moderation that the wikk has and vandalize that page as much as you can.



File: 1654887056140.png (12.27 KB, 323x274, 1649471810536.png)

2 weeks ago I remember total number of articles was over 360
now this number has went down


most were coal


two fags are vandalizing the wiki, again.


at this point it's an anarchy wiki


We do even need a wiki?
It's just a shitshow now.


>you're also free to make pages about anything else you want
why do you niggers keep deleting nas articles? soot said that the wiki can be used for anything even if it's nas.


You know... You are right, I'm gonna make pages about everything I want.


I will be moving to frenschan wiki once that opens ???

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