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/int/ - International

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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SOOT make /oreo/ NOW

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File: 1644309385823.gif (2.14 MB, 450x234, monty-python-explode.gif)



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Mymy posters: Goku looking Chad
Chino posters: whitoid soyboy


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spics are not white

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niko says trans rights


Wtf I love 'cado now.


cope. 'cado would cook a tranny if he could


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Are you okay?

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show nose moshe

File: 1644097456638.webm (930.93 KB, 848x848, 1644077669860.webm)


I wish I had a kot
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


it's a thing that happens with proxies sometimes


Then get one


what other flags are there?




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3 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I wish the world learned from Canada and Swedens examples instead of falling for the same mistakes. We've had a socialist PM for 7 years now and he's been absolute shit.


those are some of the best countries to live in by many metrics, what are you on?



File: 1644067114023.png (389.47 KB, 1280x1127, commie pedo troon.png)

You will hang, commie troon.
Why you don't personally move there and taste their "socialist paradise" then you hypocrital faggot.


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>The Bascuck "country" and Barcelonistan are the most unsafe cities here
Lmao. Disfrutad de lo votado hijos de puta.
rape all commie pedo troons

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>im not feeding your gangstalkers information about you because im still mad about the 0,23$ you didnt pay me back 17 years ago, i dont even remember that calm down you dont have to pay it back


It's not about the money it's the principle.

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>america is the greatest country in the world


he's right


he's wrong

File: 1644018001849.png (468.52 KB, 1080x1080, ClipboardImage.png)


does this happen in your country too?


dr_rakuro ias platinum


Fuck redditors


abstain redditors


File: 1644019432237.png (158.91 KB, 600x800, suicidal thoughts call me ….png)

That's deep.

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