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/int/ - International

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Soot use your personal army (soyjak party) to join the ukraine war as a third party and defeat both russia and NATO, then use your newfound power to place 'party ads all around the world and conscript civilians to raid 4chud with jaks then afterwards kill all soyboys in the soylocaust


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Count me in!

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something tells me that the spaniard having a breakdown ITT is our twink lol
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I am not the sperg Clyde linked to. I think I was playing Subway Surfers secretly at that time.


>Subway Surfers
It's 2022


I am a nostalgicfag.
I miss playing that at my uncle's house so much it's unreal.
Subway Surfers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> F*rtnite


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you're a lesbian then :)


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>you're a lesbian then :)
homo clyde kys

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america should invade iraq again. upvote for visibility


oops I had private relay on


She's right


>An Iraqi stole my gf at Berlin
That's what I read.
>An Iraqi raped me at Malmo
That's what I read.

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Hello sirs, I am a man from Kuwait.
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>Stop the cap


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>>>Hello sirs, I am a man from Kuwait.


Kuwait isn't a real nation. That land belongs to Iraq, so does the Khuzestan.


'em. Reminds me of a South Park episode.


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Why are there so many fucking spics in Ukraine? Noticiero Univision interviews some every day.

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Nuclear jingoism is based, every country should have nukes so that amerikkka (the great satan) is forever cucked from world affairs


Mexico would turn into a smoldering crater 5 seconds in from all the drug lords nuking each other

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Russian jakkers of /int/, what do you think of kuz?
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>You just KNOW she pegs him


she does though kuz said so on her discord server


now when you say her you are referring to him, right? i mean her


Who kuz?


This gem got me laughing hard ngl

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is the ukranian shartybro ok?
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>They got me, those r*ssian pigs got me, and are now forcing me to wear girl clothes, my asshole gets stretched out every night, can't say I hate it tbqhdesu.


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How would he fix germany?


open borders + bbc + reperations + kick out all jews + import millions of BLACK syrian kings


but that's literally what happened

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Pig spotted


Will you legalize guns now?


Use the fog of war to do something fun. Rob a bank. Fuck a loli. Do something.


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