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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Ordered from left to right:

>The stinging stonefish (Synanceia verrucosa), found on Australia’s reefs. The pain of a sting alone can be lethal. “It produces such mind-blowing agony that the body goes into shock and the person dies,” says associate professor Bryan Fry, a venom researcher at the University of Queensland, in Brisbane.

>The Thorny Devil is marred with a wicked common name, and its Latin species name "Moloch horridus" doesn’t seem much better. The names given to this lizard reflect its appearance: the two large horned scales on its head complete the illusion of a dragon or devil. The name Moloch was used for a deity of the ancient Near East, usually depicted as a hideous beast

>The Irukandji jellyfish is oft quoted as the most dangerous jellyfish, perhaps because less is known about it. It is highly poisonous and is also an unseen menace, being a tiny, translucent 1–2cm diameter bell. No wonder the Irukandji people, near Cairns, didn’t know it was the jellyfish causing a mysterious illness among their people. The Irukandji’s four stinging tentacles trail up to 30cm behind them.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


so can cancer


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I know they must seem normal to you, but you have to keep in mind this is the most dangerous animal in my country.


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I thought it was interesting, lizards are cool


It's a nas board on the ias website retard


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i live in Spain, but the S is silent


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I'm homeless, but the M is silent.


This is so deep 😔


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>I'm homeless, but the M is silent.

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it's just getting started however mutto bros

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estonians be like 😭

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Someone redpill me on Turma da Monica comic channels


Holy meds

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Le BBC 'jak!


He Will Always Be A Willing Slave To The Immense Size And Power Of BBC



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someone said this nigga was born in the british raj 😭
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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nigga looking like some creepy pasta shit you see in the night


C (the one on the right)


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nigga lookin like a skinwalker from those reddit schizo memes


Nigga got the signed version of the bible 😂😂😭😭💀💀

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