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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1651257538681.png (50.3 KB, 600x800, soy.png)


File: 1651177245410.jpg (412.74 KB, 1024x1024, janime.jpg)


Any interest in stealing /lgbt/'s 25555555 get?

There's a little over 10000 posts to go. I don't know how fast /lgbt/ is, maybe a few days' worth of posts?
13 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


axe wound will probably get it and then shill about it for months


250 posts to go
is he even awake? no dogcoal posted in the catty right now




its over


stop posting these on /raid/, nobody uses this board

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Pikachu says: "Pika pika" (raid a pussy, incels)




what did he mean by this


May I raid yours, p-please

 No.25860[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

So I made a cozy account: https://cozy.tv/gir_489
Linked to this: https://t.me/gir_489

But it's not workikng. What do chuds?
108 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


keep it easy my guy. good luck with that 4chan shit


I'm heading out to get the U-haul truck.


schizo thread


what is this nigga


Some guy was live streaming and I asked him questions through the sharty

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Post gems on r/NoRules and share your threads here so we can upboot each other
Here is mine.


>no rules
>post pending moderator approval


They, allowed a troonjak before for 2 hours untill the big jannies deleted it so they're good enough.


Made a new one, upboot when mods approve and make your own so I can upboot them.



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1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


cause no one has trooncord


This is 100% OP's le epic meme discord and he wants you to "raid" but actually just join and stay there.


i was banned therefore it's not op's server


no pedos only retards


Goth is in prison tho

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 No.25102[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

host soyjak.party advertiser bots on tf2
245 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Fuentes is a retard I guess lol


site fucking sucks


Was just fauxbait kthxbai mod-kun


Kill yourself


checked and truthpilled

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raid hispachan
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


that means i'd have to know spanish


its pretty much the same thing as english i bet you can understand it




can't, mexicans got butthurt at the postings of chainsaw mexisoyjak and forced the admin of the site to ban me on sight


Spics raided America by the millions, so raid hispachan by the millions of soyjaks!

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There exists a massive dataset for /pol/ that can be used by text generation algorithms, such as gpt, to make fake /pol/ posts. There also exists a proof-of-concept site (https://playground-beta.gpt4chan.com/) that is using a trained version of the dataset to generate this fake text. To my knowledge, it is currently down to excessive requests. If soyteens can get their hands on the proper model file trained from this dataset, then we could set up scripts of our own to raid many chudcel areas using fake text and 'jaks.


holy gem
im /in/ bros


i thought about this too get some automatically generated garbage and spam threads on 4chan with scripts running on like 30 different proxies but im just too lazy so i forgot about it someday


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chud tranny found

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