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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1647150834808.png (56.02 KB, 427x400, 1632619372392.png)


Should we raid /fit/?


I was just in that thread Oh Pee


which thread? i haven't been to /fit/ in weeks


theres at least 3 soy threads on /fit/ at any time and most dont get delet5ed because actual discussion happens on them.
soyjak is becoming ingrained into /fit/ at least


Soyjak has been /fit/ culture since the day he was created

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Why don't you go and raid some pussy
4 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


because i'm a pussy magnet **paid editon


People here will never get bitches.


File: 1646336726458.gif (33.15 KB, 463x489, pointing.gif)

>Hey, watch out for the... The big fat thing!



Yeah, this is obvious.
Your mom doesn't count.

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fresh blood indeed



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Dream sexual raid
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


How are the bots going to solve the captcha?


they have deals with (((google)))







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Ok chuds. I was kicked out of a mobile game guild and I got the discord link. Help me


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Okay which one of you soyshitters posted this?


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wtf I was kicked



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/vt/ just had some drama


Mori Calliope will always be wholesome.



I didn't understand the comic, who is the skeleton



Your dad after he went for cigarettes.

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why are there so many bald bearded men on here?
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Cool thread


File: 1644630542655.png (288.06 KB, 579x548, 1638605333471.png)

they did not take their estrogen therefore grew beard and lost haor


Lost what?




Because people in this chan have a mental disorder.

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Call 520-561-6711 and say “tu madre” multiple times.


am I a joke to you?






No shitskin, do it yourself

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Suspected BBC/Trap poster called Eustace spamming logthreads on 4chan /b/ with butthurt copypasta.
Anyone up for giving him the soyjak battle treatment?
Reminder, logposters are friends with soyjak posters.



go outside


tard thread


Come on m9's, we like to spam and create chaos just like you guys, I remember your threads on /qa/ (RIP in piss) and they entertained me like fuck.


Shill it on soy
>JAKKIES get in here

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