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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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These guys are all retarded zogbots and will fall hook, line and sinker for any bait you put on there. Just post a 'jak mocking Ukrainians and you're guaranteed 10 or so copelies and seethesponses. Here's one by me, for example
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>the angle on that rope
This is a homicide



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fuck off, retard

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Drop all your soyjaks in this discord.
It is full of faggots.

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the soyclipse really killed this board huh






no it didn't
/raid/ was still active up until we started doing most raids on /soy/ around february/march and nowdays we just don't raid much anymore

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what is that supposed to be?


a sign that he should die nigger die nigger die





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gay blog by an american tranny




straight blog by a european cissy




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I tried to ask this mentally-ill male who was a hugely "popular" anituber to ​convince me "gender" is valid when it doesn't have anything to do with the tangible and that it only exists within people's heads and not within the realm of the concrete world, like actual scientific categories, and he said yikes no and kicked me. Join the livestream and BTFO this infamous tranny from his delusional anti-truth bubble.



Beware the pozztube word-filter shadowban

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raid my university subreddit with total nigger death 'jaks please



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Go Go Go!!! Raid this gay discord server https://discord.gg/qkX6swaSBq
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porn discord that gives access based on amount of invites given out DO NOT JOIN


what bullshit


every discord server is gay retard

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Stealthjaks and BBC coal on fur shit
1. get some garbage furbait that appeals to /hmofa/ (or similar)
2. edit gems, coal, and bbc shit onto it
3. post it /trash/ porn generals
4. laugh as coomers jerk off to 'jaks or get mad about bbc shit
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trying posting cob', let's see how long it stays there


I'm a furry too ?


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We could totally overwhelm /n/


New 'aid when?


lol we should raid /n/


I don't think that is a good idea. /n/ is seriously one of (if not only) boards that still retains old 4chan culture. They do nothing wrong, don't deserve such malicious fate to be dragged into the chaos of soyjak spam. Spamming such boards only makes other anons brand us as underage assholes.


>4chan culture
It's so fucking over, deleting my soyjack folder.


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>POV: You go off to raid and then come back to the 'arty

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