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/raid/ - Raid

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Any interest in stealing /lgbt/'s 25555555 get?

There's a little over 10000 posts to go. I don't know how fast /lgbt/ is, maybe a few days' worth of posts?


it NEEDS to be bbc cobson


Good idea


Now a little under 5000 posts left until the GET is reached. Better start preparing


It's gonna be either
A) moroccotroon scripted get
B) some retarded tranny blogpost


3000 ish posts to go


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ummmm no i wont help you steal the get i'm too busy sucking tyrone's juicy chocolate colored bbc


we won't get it


Probably not, the 'party isn't active right now and we usually need a coordinated effort to steal gets. It's possible that one of our resident scriptfags gets it though.


i would have my script running but tyrone is poking my tight whiteboi hole with his black rod right now





axe wound will probably get it and then shill about it for months


250 posts to go
is he even awake? no dogcoal posted in the catty right now




its over


stop posting these on /raid/, nobody uses this board

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