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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1651560149509.png (179.44 KB, 954x490, ClipboardImage.png)


These guys are all retarded zogbots and will fall hook, line and sinker for any bait you put on there. Just post a 'jak mocking Ukrainians and you're guaranteed 10 or so copelies and seethesponses. Here's one by me, for example


I don't care


File: 1651564168534.png (289.67 KB, 810x1080, 1642101768103.png)

>These guys are all retarded zogbots and will fall hook, line and sinker for any bait you put on there. Just post a 'jak mocking Ukrainians and you're guaranteed 10 or so copelies and seethesponses. Here's one by me, for example




kek amerimutt bootlicker already seething
good job op


File: 1651607356893.png (46.96 KB, 200x167, 1639862905361.png)

>kek amerimutt bootlicker already seething
>good job op


File: 1651607608284.png (199.08 KB, 784x1473, kuz lost.png)

>kek amerimutt bootlicker already seething


>mutt losers think I'm slavic
you will never be a woman
white trash tranny


>the angle on that rope
This is a homicide



File: 1651939364709.png (644.64 KB, 1152x719, Ukropium.png)



File: 1651939560578.jpg (134.31 KB, 2048x1538, soyboy1.jpg)



fuck off, retard

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