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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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'teens should look after 'teens. Post your questions about life and try your best to provide advice to others when they need it. Let this be a place for making sure that 'teens are happy, healthy, and on the right track. Topics may include, but aren't limited to:
>Educational Advice
>Resume Reviews
>Emotional Support
>Financial Advice
>Body Building
>Proper Dieting
>Networking Advice

Lets see if this goes well and see if we can have a constructive thread on the sharty's r9k.


i am the coal man


>Educational Advice
Study whatever the fuck you want as long as it either gives you a certification
>Resume Reviews
Copy paste'em from normies linkedln
>Emotional Support
Get a pet
>Financial Advice
Don't marry with spics
>Body Building
Every day a different muscle group
>Proper Dieting
Stay away from oil and pig
>Networking Advice
Hell if I know, it greatly varies from place to place.
My current network consists of Facebook bots and soyjak party so I pretty much lucked the fuck out on it.

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Soyjaking isn't enough anymore I am thinking about being obnoxious for fun in real life. I want to pretend to be a crypto bro type character and tell people retarded shit like my boss said I'm going to be the next Jeffery Epstien.


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Be do it to a cartel so they kidnap you and we are free from your faggotry


Why are you obsessed with some random Mexican?


replicate what frank hassle does on his vids and film it, that would be pretty funny I think

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ive been misgendered so many times its insane, i dont wanna cut my dick off and get boobies, i just like crossdressing and girly things for gods sake
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im not a troon chud, find a better cope zoomer


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>sagegolico Just now No.7182

>>>7180 (You)

>im not a troon chud, find a better cope zoomer


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Post your sissyhole


This. So this. Absolutely this.

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I think I might actually be trans
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Why would you want to be a girl,it doesn't solve any problems and doesn't give you any advantage.


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You aren't, it's not real. It's some fad they made up like a few years ago. Just be normal


incel pseud
chad intellectual


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>he just came out


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mmm sex with sexy police lady mmm

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Let's talk about the ladies! on the old site of course..
7 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


yikes incel






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>Let's talk about the ladies! on the old site of course..


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my hens got killed by a marten, no more eggs


What the fuck is a hen


3 letters so something like a gem




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how do you get killed by this?


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its just part of the trade my friend. what got you into keeping cocks anyway?

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It feels like watching people driving on buses...
... and I watch them go places while I'm stuck at the bus stop. Everyone seems to have a ticket and be going places, but I don't. I don't know where to get a ticket, I don't know where I want to go.

I hear different ideas from some that change busses on my stop, they tell me stories from their journeys and who they've met and what's their next stop, and I listen and nod, but it sounds so fake. "And where did you get your ticket?", "I don't know, I just have it! You should too". But I don't.

I try to get on some bus anyway but feel uneasy. I don't have a ticket after all. I feel like I'm an intruder, I don't belong on this bus and the direction I'm heading doesn't feel right, no matter which I choose. I might try to fit in with the rest of the passengers but eventually I'm either caught riding without a ticket or decide the pretending and stress is too much.

So I get off at the next stop. And I sit on the bench and watch the busses go and the sun set.

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feels thread
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


fuck you. legitimately just FUCK YOU. you specifically are a fucking cancer on this website and when you get jumped and raped by a feral pack of niggers i won't shed a fucking tear. this goes BEYOND the internet, you're just such a piece of fucking shit i can't fathom sharing a site with you. fuck your posts and fuck you for killing the party like the trannyfaggot spic room temprature iq subhuman you are. go rape some more children you disgusting pedotranny incel and never come here again or so help me god i will forcefully destroy your physical abillity to make posts online without help, but i'd rather put you in that pathetic state rather then killing you because you deserve it you humanoid germ. fuck you.


If you are reading this comment your parents will die within 5 years. To undo this curse you need to copy this and paste it in 2 otherthreads. i'm so, so sorry,please forgive me.


I have a urge to shitpost and act like a schizo.


I thought I was the only one.


based asf

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Why are there so many TERFs in the japan?


because she does not speak for the dead

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