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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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I have 0 irl friends and I have 0 online friends.
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looool, same though


i have 1 irl friend and tons of online friends but i look like that


>tfw when 3 friends


online friends aren't real. people who think the random people they talk to online are there friends are mentally ill.

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>just got a 3 day ban from 4chan
>family is at home the entire weekend so I can't reset my IP
Fucking hell, I am never jakkin' /a/ again on a weekend.


you look like this


me too bro. i'm there for you.

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i'm going to get checked up in like 20 minutes because i've been really sick these past few days
feels like my skull's cracked and the upper part of it is expanding, my stomach's felt completely empty even though i'm eating regularly, i've vomited, have insomnia and others
i love you soybros
hope it's not anything too bad


is you vaxxed doe?


i've had covid this year but it didn't affect me that much
just felt bad for 3 days or so
but that was weeks ago
and no
i'm not currently vaxxd chud


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they told me i'm HIV positive


Boy stop the cap

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post your nipples
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If you are reading this comment your parents will die within 5 years. To undo this curse you need to copy this and paste it in 2 otherthreads. i'm so, so sorry,please forgive me.


>kuz is a homo faggot


hes beautiful


im not kuz



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music do be making me lose cunt troll tho?

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glow and sage


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im bored






proceed kys

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i am nestorian christian

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Today is my 30th birthday.
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Are you the guy who posted on wiz earlier with a picture of yourself


Lmaooo so you're over twice my age now!


Post original plz


laugh it up now soyteen
you'll be old and gray too if you don't kill yourself before then


I live in Tucson and there are Romanian Gypsies pretending to play the violin here. Get them the fuck out. How do I get so much free money that I can travel to the other side of the world just to fuck around?

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