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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient


File (hide): 1653001782020.png (252.38 KB, 1000x1000, 1651990315842-1.png)


I quit smoking weed today


I haven't smoked the nigger's cabbage for a year now


i'm withdrawing HARD nigger


Just use your oral fixation for good and suck that bbc doe


Are ye still WDing?


That nigger weed


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how do I look?
3 posts omitted. Click to expand.


Why are you white?


hi trans peter griffin


holy crap lois i cut my cock off


>>7539 (OP)


fat, pale, uncut. All fixable.


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I want a girlfriend just to gaslight her


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I'm bored. What should I do?
3 posts omitted. Click to expand.


Have sex




have Sex


Have sex.


have sex


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for my fem-jakkers and 'cafe girls: is this true?
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click to expand.


this, some trannies were obsessing over this image on pisscel.chudfe


They sorta do but the shy nerdy guys have to be 666.


im already a transbian


riddler fandom though



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>waaaah waaah I want girlfriend
>waah waaah i hate womeeeen
god shut the fuck up


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I do not have opinions on women because I do not interact with them




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>yellow fever bad even tho your children will look nothing like you therefore when you leave them they won't recognize you


>>7484 (OP)
I jerk off to dead ZOGBOTS who died so niggers could enjoy gay anal sex between each other in Africa.
Taliban didnt kill enough of these Amerimutt kike slave golems, no nation in history is more pathetic than the United States.
Imagine existing solely to serve Jews.
Dead Amerimutts make me hard, I jerked off to the Iraq Juba videos where he sniped 200+ Amerimutt ZOGBOTS by himself and mutts STILL couldnt find him.
Juba is a true hero, do you know who Amerimutts treat as heroes? Marvel movies.
Thats right, Amerimutts think spiderman and blackwidow are their heroes from kikes in Hollywood, Amerimutts worship these pretend characters that Jews give to them its so fucking pathetic.
What a truly pathetic group of mixed race subhumans, China needs to wipe them all out ASAP holy fucking shit they spread their faggot LGBT globohomo culture on us like a plague not even Jews are as bad as these Amerimutt kike slave golems.
Nobody is worse than an Amerimutt.
God laughs when Amerimutts die.


south east asians are not real asians albeit


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>white people good even though they don't got that BBC


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Should you hate femoids?
3 posts omitted. Click to expand.




>t. Actual faggot who can't even watch porn without having an incel rage seizure


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>>t. Actual faggot who can't even watch porn without having an incel rage seizure


File (hide): 1652567395728.webm (1.75 MB, 1920x1080, Mexican Twink Boomer.webm) [play once] [loop]

>>t. Actual faggot who can't even watch porn without having an incel rage seizure



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rate me /r9k/


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>>7504 (OP)


Who is this troon?


Built for Big Ukranian Cock


It’s over

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