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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1637478282059.png (18.89 KB, 1000x1000, 278 - angry glasses soyjak….png)


Soot delete this board, people won't stop spamming it.

File: 1636781833610.png (346.04 KB, 598x799, 2176 - angry dog ear glowi….png)


>Jannies do NOT look like that! Rude!


>They don't though

File: 1636980120255.jpg (62.74 KB, 637x772, 1635848662680.jpg)


delete this board


So much this

File: 1637461266678.png (12.21 KB, 600x800, 2929 - angry glasses musta….png)


Please soot, delete this dead board.

File: 1636669788281.png (446.11 KB, 1011x1238, anti coffee jak.png)


didn't there used to be therads on this board? eh, i'm probably misremembering, i'm feeling pretty sleepy *yawn* let's all go to sleep


File: 1636670389512.png (102.9 KB, 1200x1125, photojak.png)

dead board got raided thrice (last one wiped almost all threads)


No, meds

File: 1637405071838.webm (1.45 MB, 540x750, 1610712381259.webm)


What is this?


Oh my God he's adorable


File: 1637442040306.png (396.55 KB, 680x593, 1627546802151.png)



File: 1637443101011.png (46.51 KB, 489x478, ClipboardImage.png)



>Colorfull jak is coa...
>shroomjak is normie twitter coa...

File: 1637205413819.jpeg (193.86 KB, 1280x960, E1CwQWeX0AIsYaP.jpeg)


I want to sleep


Don't fall asleep you won't wake up in that kind of weather

File: 1637105063561.jpg (170.35 KB, 1422x1626, 1578341648798.jpg)




i say this
i look like this


File: 1637176401066.png (93.49 KB, 295x349, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1637192934733.png (344.09 KB, 1409x871, BONECH~4.PNG)


File: 1637082783800.png (25.56 KB, 255x205, 694 - animal digusted fish….png)


I was canoeing near the Canadian border over the summer and saw a directional energy weapon used to start a forest fire. There was an observation plane flying overhead within 30min of it starting too, there's no way they would've gotten it out in time if it wasn't preplanned.


no you didnt

File: 1636782280504.png (76.95 KB, 600x800, 1257 - cia clothes dog ear….png)


>Stop making these fucking coal threads! Nobody said ANY of this! You fucking schizo stop it! What do you mean these are not spam? Shut up!

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