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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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The man in your closet
he waits until you go to sleep
He pulls out a knife
He peers out your closet's gaps
He slowly opens the door, he quietly opens it not to alert you
You do not notice
He stalks through your room, getting closer and closer.
He reaches the end of your bed, your window is open. leaking in cold air
He reaches the bed and aims for your jugular, he raises his knife and SLAM!
your phone goes off, the light shows nothing where he was once standing.
Not now, but now he waits.


File: 1651884053999.jpg (30.27 KB, 503x445, birdnest brainlet.jpg)

Coal + peatburned.

The Science has proven This bedtime tumbling sensation is the phenomenon known as the “hypnic jerk” and may sometimes be accompanied by a visual hallucination. You may have heard it called a “sleep start”, the “hypnagogic jerk” or the “myoclonicoiddololoid jerk”, but for the sake of sanity we'll just stick with the former.

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