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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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School is fucking boring, is there a spell I can cast to make things crazier and turn it into a circus?


there's a 6 letter spell that represents the pinnacle of darkness
this will guarantee chaos, but you must have a high enough power level to cast it


Make it an anime school


ok what is it?




put drugs in your mates food chud


have gay sex in the gym shower


lol i do this


"chaos spell"
you're just gonna sell your soul to some random demon so he can move some things around?
at least sell your soul for a better reason


File: 1650216709262.jpg (99.92 KB, 708x800, Smug.jpg)

>"chaos spell"
>you're just gonna sell your soul to some random demon so he can move some things around?
>at least sell your soul for a better reason


Yes I am retarded now give me the demon's name




found nothing when I googled


If you are reading this post all niggers will die within 5 years. To undo this curse you need to copy this and paste it in 20 other threads. I'm so, so sorry, please forgive me.

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