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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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Thoughts on Arianism?


Christianity is dead who gives a shit




all religion is dead, science killed them
science is the new hip


arianism is for cucks
at that point, become a jew


File: 1649813674632.jpg (35.56 KB, 194x320, St_Thomas_Aquinas.jpg)

False, in recent years there has been a gain of interest on the internet about Christianity as the reconsideration of traditional values ,just look at figures like Luke Smith.

Not to mention that most soyence ideas were born to contrast those of Christianity. Not to mention that people like Thomas Aquinas propose and confirmed that the natural world and the spiritual world described in Christianity are compatible,although both fields need different methods of study according to him.

Besides by your same logic people wouldn't had analysed the works of the Greek or Hinduism.

Pretty much .

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