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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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The discord, a place unknown of yet highly talked about. It is the place of the famous, the home of the elites. The great amongst us all talk on discord. What is discord? Messaging platform? Why? The key ones of fame and power in your life communicate through discord? What if you intercept them? What kind of things could you find out about the plans for your life? The discord is locked up. The discord is non existant but existant at the same time. Another chud, what about another chud? Other chuds are like the celebrities, they are unreachable, it is impossible to be like the other chuds. The other chuds are the elites. The other chuds are the ones in power. The other chuds are all on the didcord. Will you ever enter the discord? No. You do not have the power, the strength, the divine energy to use the discord. You are not made for the discord. You are made to watch others in wonder. They are them. They are different and theyre all talking on the discord. You have to accept it. The discord is not accessible, you are too lowly for the discord. It is one of those things you must accept as unreachable. Soot? Soot is on the discord. So is Kuz. Kuz is on the discord. Do you know Soot and Kuz? No. All the other chuds do though, because theyre on the discord, they communicate on the discord. The chuds posting are chuds, constantly speaking to soot via the discord. Instant communication from the minds. The great power. You will never achieve it. You are the low one. You are the experiencer. You were born to marvel, not join.

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