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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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File: 1647819260944.gif (23.39 KB, 291x320, man_god.gif)


did you know?:
-if you don't go towards the light at the end of your life you escape the cycle of reincarnation and entrapment?
-there are trials in the "afterlife" that you have to go through to achieve godhood?
-if you fail the trials you become a daemon an have to trick a mortal into giving their soul to you so you can have another chance at life and the trials?
-the cycle of you failing the trials and becoming a daemon has probably happened over 10000 times or more?


jewish thread do not reply


nigger thread do not reply


gnosticism thread do reply




What do the jewish letters say though


File: 1648386486084.png (54 KB, 2560x1071, ClipboardImage.png)

but written vertically from north to south

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