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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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>Pandas were never observed in the wild before the 19th century

>The first panda exported to the united states was in 1946
>pandas ovulate one day a year and only eat bamboo. These "creatures" could never exist in the wild, where they'd be preyed upon by tigers.
>Pandæmonium is the capital of hell
>Pandas are linked to pedophilia
>Pandas are used to propogate scarcity and environmental hoaxes such as evolution and extinction


>Tfw my favourite bitchute schizo who made videos about lava and vulcanos being fake and accused pornstar of being secret trannies is gone


(((they took this from you)))


He even made a video about BTS by my request and schizoed me into beliving they are really trannies.


They are tho

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