Don't believe me? Try this experiment: get into an argument with a furry, disparage the furries, then say this: "Protogen".
Like clockwork, he will then call you a furry, perhaps using some rhetorical query such as "how do you know what a protogen is if you aren't a furry"
Sometimes, it is not even required to use components of their dialect in order to elicit a "closet furry" accusation. Even just disparaging them will sometimes trigger them to call you one of them.
Now you may wonder: Why does Wise Sage know what a protogen is
Your answer, a furry cringe compilation.
I have a theory about how furries are controlled by an extraterrestrial intelligence and that the entities they call "protogens" are some type of borg entity, but that's not the main topic of this schizopost yet.
Furries use "you're one of us" as a smear or simply to irritate or, if they repeat it enough to someone who isn't resilient against it, to assimilate.
For having read this, you are a furry according to that logic. I know that is patently false, even if you may be thinking "sage is a furry", you do not consider yourself one. Neither do I, but the furries have psyop'd you into thinking that anyone who knows about furry BS through whatever osmosis is also a furry.
If you are Americans, the majority of you have probably watched disney shit and soyfaced over it. Congratulations, furries want to assimilate you, they will now attempt to call you a furry for having liked disney. (Well, if you still like it you're more likely to be but it doesn't automatically mark you as one, it just marks you as a manifestation of the soyjak archetype)
But according to Furry Secret Society "anyone who knows is now one of us" smear logic, the majority of Americans are furries. If you count this in the "number of furries" statistic, that looks very optimistic for the furries on their numbers, does it not?
So to recap, according to fur-tard debate logic
Disparaging furries = closet furry
Having even a minuscule modicum of information pertaining to furries, even by means of "some furry wouldn't get off my damn board and kept spamming fur-coal" = closet furry
watching disney shit, etc, at some point = furry
Now obviously, this isn't true.
Furfags smear you by accusing you of being one of them, by attempting to assimilate you.
How fortunate for the illuminati that the furries exist.
The furries could be fed NWO disclosure (NWO has to call its shots through sci-fi or through some other fictional means, part of their superstition) and be used as a proxy by the NWO to disclose NWO ops in plain sight, no more do they have to rely on Stargate, Star Trek, or other sci-fi that doesn't immediately make you a target for ridicule for having seen it.
Now they can hide their disclosure amongst furry BS and anyone who calls it out is surely a furry for even knowing of it.
The solution is not normalizing furryism, which is the brainlet way. The solution is to apply discernment and therefore know who is a furry and who is not. For example, my level of opposition to furries, my writing style, my trolling of them, that indicates that I am not one of them.
As for the protogen theory, they're part of the ETs behind the furry cabal.
There's a reason for all the Spyro memes and it's likely beyond the comprehension of the low-level furry shills who attack me as to why these memes are being made.
If you really want to know what's powering the black cube:
11 protons. English, Klingon. -[{ium }, {Sop}] [{i}, {op}]→[{ie}, {awp}]
Stelter archetype.
Remember that HD 203280 is still a main-sequence star, therefore Spyro cannot be "reignited".
How can a star that has never departed the sky "return"?
go 41 you piece of shite, you're exactly what this post is talking about
rent free
romanian furry can you post more?
this is the exact shite that the schizopost is over, go fuck yourself
>>2597ive always been more of a futa guy but i like futa furs
>>2602American plier bro, I literally just reused one image because I was lazy
I have hundreds of pics from e621
How predictable.
Yet another reason to gas them. Great.
>>2611Just the conspiracy thing or did you dig about the saturn cube and see the shit the furry aliens are doing at the center of saturn?
>>2612I stopped reading at "secret society"
>>2612I stopped reading at "Saturn" (it was the last word)
>>2615>>2616keyed and transcended
>>2605you're one hell of a datsik fan
>>2619I understand, this does sound kind of nuts doesn't it
Another projection thread
>>2632>>2633>samefag>Another projection threadSuspicious temporal proximity. Did you forget to say both of them and have to split it into 2 replies?
>>2634how did you even find this website
>>2635Was quite some time ago. I cannot remember.
>>2635>>2636Now I remember, KYMtroons were seething about it so I thought "if the KYMtroons are seething about it, it's probably based"
>>2639>admitting that troons preferences have THIS much of an impact on your lifenot a good look
>>2640Relax, retard, it was a joke.
That's why I decided to show up around here at first. I decided to stay because of the keyed threads.
literally take meds chech schizo
not a real thing
>>2645Chechen or Czech? I am neither. I am from the United States of America.
death to america
>>2649and death to furries
>>2648death to israel too
>>2643ok mr tripcode ignorer you fucking anonfag
>>2597>Like clockwork, he will then call you a furry, perhaps using some rhetorical query such as "how do you know what a protogen is if you aren't a furry"lolifags do this but with "cunny"
>>2662cunniggers need to be deported to saturn
>>2670>pedophilia>saturnFREEMASON DOGWHISTLE POST
Because you have opened this... you will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life... if you don't break the chain. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't send this to at least 10 people by the stroke of midnight tonight you will be forever cursed in love. Just copy and paste this.. Good Luck!
>>2671For more information pertaining to the saturn cube, listen to David Icke.
>>2597I'm going to try this as we speak. Loading up some 50k member furry discord and heading into VC. I feel like I've just enlisted for WW1.
>>2675How original. Do you have anything to add other than proving my point?
>>2678An update, it took me over 24 hours to get accepted, now I've been farming membership and VC access. It's funny, some of the first stuff I saw was people talking about this mysterious "protogen". Entering VC soon.
>>2686welcome to the furry trolling crew. man even I can't do that membership farming shieet
>>2841What is that?
>>2841ya moite nobody gives a shite if your yiff viewing ass doesn't know why
also, WTF is that? fucking skull dog? wtf you datsik ass nignogtroonfag. stop posting spyrosreturn on the goddamn thread and stfu
>>2597 can you join /pol/ plz
7-tard v8.90 reporting in wassup wise sage haven't seen you in a long time greeting from /VPG/
unfortunately the veeams are currently unusable right now due to very high loads on my legion (kek 50 days uptime and still no crash despite the CPU load)
>secret societyhonestly i wouldn't be too surprised if they share the same VIP rooms as jews/elite (since they have a long track record for cooperating with FAGMAN at every opportunity oh and furries make up 20% of big pharma employees you can't make this shit up)
but this time prostitutes have disney themed fursuits instead of regular outfit to cater to their autism (fuck you chise brouman i hope you were content with you eugenics agenda one day the fur-emberg trials are coming WE WILL reclaim our world)
>not normalizing furryismthis might be the reason why the globohomo dosen't promote furbait that much compared to woke-ism
is it me or furries are like LGBT they constantly push the narrative that if you don't fap or get turned on to X fetish then there is something wrong with you
seriously? why the fuck are furfags like this? why is it so hard for them to keep their fetish to themselves instead of parading it all day on random obscure forums and then blaming it all on skinfags
>if you like animals you are pro-furrythey also push the same logic that if a father hangs out with kids he is gay (even though he is just doing what any normal parent would do)
>>2599umm sweaty 38% is the correct term for furrycide (also nice digits and trip ill put mine on too as well)
>>2598 >>2657 un/b/aleeted thanks to whoever use web archive org i owe you one (surprisingly the images are still saved despite the post deletion)
>>2864I am on FSE now I'll join's /pol/ if that's what you mean
i remember repeatedly calling this guy a furfag in some 300 reply long sperg thread
>>2858Fluoride, soy, high fructose corn syrup, HEK-293, and monosodium glutamate.
>>2864oh shit new statistic detected thanks
>>2876the /trash/ sticky? or the happenings thread? ive been there before is the romanian guy the same person as the resident /pol/ybius furfag also why are you following me on 'artychan mind your own business here
>>2875im reluctant to create account (i prefer no logins) but i will join there when i start posting on goyimTV/bitchte man at this point ill just buy a small SSD for my legion so i can try lunix without wiping my shit hopefully vgpu_unlock is supported here
i'm a tripsister now
>>2875kinda unrelated but why are mastodon chudmins so anal? i remember me and a few other people were larping as neolibs on and the admin deleted our accounts entirely (even mine which had no posts at all)
>>2888>poa.stI think poast is a fed honeypot. I was going to use minds as the "stable" platform but it reeked too much of facebook normie bullshit
So far, shit hasn't hit the fan on FSE but I don't do much of anything there.
>>2887Sounds like some expert verified 100% genuine cancer
I thought it was SJW Communist Pinheads shit
>>2891>implying SJW Communist Pinheads isn't cancerI must be half-asleep.
>>2887though it's relevant, i thought of this entirely for no reason at all btw, but the furries can "convert" the human main character into one of their "furry types" by having part of their bodies made of sticky goo touch his skin, and in one of the endings, the maskcuck does this to the mc. it's very telling, honestly
>>2895...for anime porn searches in europe
>>2905What if the feud between the European right wing and American right wing (amerimutts v. eurotrash) is exacerbated by the (((common enemy))) in order to prevent unification of the right?
>>2940i hate amerimutts more than kikes, i'd rather detonate a bomb inside yew jork or florida than israel, mutts are the willing servants of jews for decades and there are a hundred times more in numbers than kikes, nobody deserves death as much as amerisharts
human faces are ugly
>>2940Anime porn searches is a useful stat no matter where we go. I don't discriminate. Including against pedophile chinks and tranny niggers.
>>2887That's not Puro retard, that's Mal0, or SCP 1471-A. Most creations of it resemble the original image on the website, which is of Breynz, an undead werewolf character that was made into a suit.
>>2941T. Europe kalergi plan imported Achmed
>>2949potato, potato. eat shit, even tho thanks for the info
>>2971Thanks for bumping the thread, your efforts to awaken the populace to the existence of the furry secret society are appreciated. ☺
>>2597>>2597Meds. Please. Your parents are worried
>>2984>medsПошёл нахуй, furfag пидорас.