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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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>current thing bad
>current thing good


oh my science! someone save them!


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>current thing good 20 years ago
>current thing bad now because soience finally proved it was bad


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liking current thing that is bad now but was good 20 years ago


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liking thing that was always bad but good now because we now have soience that can prove its good


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not liking thing that was bad 20 years ago but is proven by soience to be good now


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>go to infowars.com
>every thumbnail looks like an incest amalgamation of OP
eye bleed


current thing current though


it's not current though it's the same jewish demonic influence as thousands of years ago


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>[Verse 2]
>I needed to insist
>Please bully me
>Into your brave new orthodoxy
>As studies have shown
>I need to do away
>With all things true yesterday

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