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>Stanley Kubrick died in his sleep following a heart attack. There were very few revelations about secret societies revealed in the movie.

>Kubrick was not young - 70 - and not in the best shape; he was somewhat overweight.

>The movie was not a biopic or documentary and is loosely based on a 1926 novella, Traumnovelle (Dream Story) by Arthur Schnitzler.

>The story is fictional and creatively creepy and erotic, something Kubrick did quite well as a director.

>No organizations were exposed or called out.

>Any suppositions to another reason for Kubrick’s death are just conspiracy theories.


She is right


He is wrong


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>the jews let stanley kubrick spend 5 years making a movie exposing them, waited until right before the premiere to kill him, and allowed the movie to be released anyway because THEY JUST DID OK


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>>the jews let stanley kubrick spend 5 years making a movie exposing them, waited until right before the premiere to kill him, and allowed the movie to be released anyway because THEY JUST DID OK


she has a point though


>entertaining the thought that an old fat guy could have possible been murdered instead of dying from natural causes
this is what makes me want to castrate myself. FUCK YOU. what do you want? what are you trying to achieve with this lie in your head? FUCKING STOP. it only gets worse for you. like, holy goddamn shit. DOZENS OF EXPERTS AND SCIENTISTS HAVE LOOKED INTO THIS BEFORE YOU DID, and guess what they thought? HE FUCKING DIED FROM A COLD, SHIT FUCKING OLD PEOPLE DIE FROM. touch grass, get over it, GET OVER IT. jewish people are tired of having to explain obvious facts to you. seriously, your needless ignorance is a FUCKING CANCER TO SOCIETY. now i know why, why did some asshole fly a plane into the WTC? i just wasted my time talking to street trash. you get NOTHING out of this, NOTHING. admit it. stop lying to yourself. you fucking piece of garbage. are you trying to get something out of me? not happening. you are just making your self look pathetic, behind a computer screen, and secretly behind people you know in real life. if they really know what you were up to, they'd cringe. everything you think of is pathetic. you aren't an expert in what you feel you think you know. have you even gotten a bachelor's? you haven't. there's so, so much more i can say, SO MUCH MORE, but i have a life unlike you. if i feel like it, i'll come back and write everything else i wanted to say.


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>General Patton died while receiving medical care not long after a tragic car accident!
>do not read the last entries of his journal!


you will link this to me


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preferably peruse this information via tor, without a vpn intermediary. (these measures are good to perform even if you are rn browsing in clearnet. Yes, browsing via a 0-reputation exit node will mean you have to wait for hCaptcha to let you through, the bother is worth the security.)



look around for "digital content available" links if you want to read more. I like text, pop it in a screenreader or even just microsoft word with "read aloud" it'll work fine even though the OCR they use sometimes jumbles up the order of text a bit.

words of interest (ctrl + f): PRO (Public Relations Officer), jew, politic, smear

tl;dr: an american (semitic?) faction performed character asassination on patton, maybe the real kind too, patton mentions this and suspects it has to do with his protests against ill treatment of german survivors. He likes some jews and gives others a ribbing.

btw the "america went to war to stop the holocaust" is fake. When and who decided that america would aim to save the jews from nazis in WWII? NGOs and thinktanks, three decades after the end of the war.

every time a great man like Patton or MacArthur arises the press must be brought out by the amorphous many-man state to stunt their entry into politics. if this fails, they must commit an assassination. Thousands of schemes of corporate grift characterize the crop bound to satiate politicians, a crop that will wither under the diligent gaze of a respected, intelligent and upright man.

The most dangerous thing to bureaucratic infestation is a respected martial leader with a pragmatic soul- they will end wars pre-emptively, like how both patton and arthur would have opted to take on russia before it had nuclear weapons. If patton were president for two terms and macarthur were niponese emperor for life the cold war would have never happened, south africa would never have been crushed by american market communist agencies, australia never infiltrated by the sino, the jews would be based+redpilled and a global pax americana would reign for a thousand years. Or at least it might be marginally better, or they wouldn't have done it.


Kubrick was jewish though


he loved hitler however



Kubrick killed himself because he was a troon. Full stop.



His girl name was Stephanie Troonbrick.

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