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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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File: 1646829418564.webm (561.93 KB, 800x600, stelter.webm)


webm related - example of an archetype. "The psychic vampire/astral parasite".

The soyjak is also an archetype.

Memes have a lot more schizo/esoteric potential behind them.


bump cause you keep fffuckign messaging me and this is a useful post


File: 1646886983078.webm (1.39 MB, 360x360, 1646701818890.webm)

ylyl thread


I'm the homie that don't use (((tiktok))) tbh


willing to bet that makes me not similar to you but whatever


i'm the archetypal sigma chad


Just like all of us, I am a combination of many archetypes.

I'd like to think that I'm a sigma chad and also a schizo/tinfoilhat


I'm also the trollge (evidenced by my fffuckign listening to MLG music unironically) and the turborightoid 🤣


3 month-old webm doesn't load

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