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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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File: 1643921750892.png (291.02 KB, 768x719, 1637890967138.png)


Don't you think that there is some massive conspiracy to make soyjaks a purely one-sided chud political thing to contain them? I mean think about it, soyjaks are a shill's worst nightmare because it's just pure unadulterated schizophrenia, you can't reason with them, you can't control them, so you can't sell them anything. Now imagine if this thing grew even bigger and had a direct impact on society, I think some real gold can be struck here, and that we can ascend even higher if we wanted




Updooting this rubypolished gem


Updooting this rubypolished gem


File: 1652205913162.jpg (486.76 KB, 1920x1080, 164392175089.jpg)

no, leftroon. soyjak was always meant to mock liberal faggots


>words words words
nobody cares faggot


aka white people


aka jewish "people"


kfc tweeted a soyjak though


And was an object of ridicule for how it misused the soyjak. Really, it did our job for us.

They took our jobs!


File: 1652504193249.jpg (175.73 KB, 512x511, oil painting soy.jpg)

My brother in Christ your post literally has "Chud" in the name field.


Somebody really ought to do the "blue the jew" thing with this photo. How do jews all know to buy those same gay ass glasses?


no soyjak is just boring pepe

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