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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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>liminal spaces
>the backrooms


those were pretty good until they became a meme


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>Analog horror


Here's one to make all the soy redditors soyface instantaneously, simultaneously:

liminal spaces analog horror

You could throw SCP in there but SCP is retarded, and that's a fact.

Don't believe me? SCP-999's proof that SCP's retarded.


Are you still a furry


I never was.


But what about your furry reaction images


They aren't furry 😎

You fell for the furry psyop to co-opt dragons


But you want to fuck a dragon so you’re really a fag either way aren’t you


That is fake news.


What's that say about you for deriving that from the reaction images

Do all the q-anons want to datsik Pepe too?


You’re the one who is so obsessed with a cartoon dragon. You look up rule 34 for it


Is that what CNN says about me?


No that’s what I saw in your browsing history


>hurr your browsing history
What is this, amateur roasting hour?
Unless some retard decided it would be a funny prank to type that shit into my computer, it's not on my browsing history.


Then what do you beat your shrimp dick to faggot


I don't 😎


Do you have a gf



Allow me to predict what you are about to try to do.

You are about to try to project your onanism upon me from the "hurr he doesnt have a gf" data point.


lol of course this nigga has no gf 😂😂 (it’s because he’s a furfag lmaoooo)


Still not a furfag 😎


>no gf
>won’t even tell what he jerks his little pecker to
Yeah this guy is a furfag confirmed 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


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Did I stutter?


You are saying you don’t because you don’t want to admit your furry fantasies lolll


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>scalies are furry even doe they have no fur doe



samefag detected
Also, lmao
>ending a sentence with lol
>extending the Ls
>accusing everyone who doesn't accept the furry co-opt of being a furry, himself, because of your furry tendencies that you don't want known
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
You accuse me of being a furry because you are one, yourself. 😎


You forgot your trip


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Seethe schizo


Did you? 😎


No just you because you’re furry


Actually off yourself tripfaggot scum, not publicly banning everyone that puts on a tripcode is what kills imageboards every single time


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>gets debunked
>tries to change the subject
Uh oh


Doesn't change the fact that those 3 replies reek of samefaggotry


>complains about false accusations (that he can’t even disprove)
>makes a false accusation that gets debunked instantly


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would you say nidoqueen is a furry, or a scalie?


How do you like it thrown back at you, redditfag?


The difference is I can debunk your false claims while all you can do is seethe and try to throw actual false claims at me


You can't debunk it that easily
You are using a separate device from just your iShart phone


Wrong lol my computer isn’t even working right now


So, you are posting with your iShart tablet.


I don’t have one to be honest. I think if I did I wouldn’t use it enough to justify buying one since there’s not much that it can do that your phone can’t


Yes, I am a furry and my favorite kind are sharks. Furry characters used to be called "funny animals", which includes all of them. Scalies obsess over reptilian and amphibian characters, and make personal self-insert characters that are based on reptilian animals- just like furries, just with a different type of animal. These characters are also limited to the attribute of a non-human nose and mouth, usually a snout. They often interact with other furries and even attend conventions wearing suits. The only circumstance where the two would ever actually be divided is by schizophrenia sufferers on /trash/, niche imageboards, or by insufferable popufurs.
I don't even know who you are, but the fact that you're defending yourself so vehemently over semantics and not that you're not actually attracted to whatever dragon you post tells me everything I need to know.


>Yes, I am a furry
>proceeds to accuse a non-furry of being a furry
Typical furry.


Sure wish we could rewind trannyfaggotdom back to the emo/scene period. It wasn't nearly as cringe as it is now. Of course it led directly to this so guess it would be futile


According to you, I'm not a furry.


It could cause a "Groundhog Day" / time loop effect, however, you could set up cultural defenses against the troon menace given extra time and precognition.


>Yes, I am a furry
You are because you identify as such.


>I'm not gay because I don't identify as one. I just like staring at men, I think they look great.


There are many parameters that constitute whether or not one is a furry. Self-identification is a major parameter.


fucking retard NPC thinks everyone is a carbon copy of his wanker ass


>>2483 because you lack the brain capacity for discernment do you


I don’t masturbate because I have a gf tho


funny you bring up being gay cause you probably have a troon pride flag on your fvcking shirt


You are still an onanistic coomer.


Low test


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fucking sacral xhakra simp
typo intentional
and listen man, I wouldn't be proud of myself for raping the fucking marketing team of walmart inc and brainwashing them into calling me their "bf"


- you, after getting a low test score on your public school standardized testing curriculum and reeing


At least I'm not dependent on onanism.


this fucking retard probably goes to Datsik's 'festival's for the slim chance he gets molested at them 💀


And then he uwus about it on twitter with his iShart phone 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


we need the red magic 16k cinema camera to record YO ASS BEING KAUGHT IN 16K 360HZ HDR DOLBY VISION WITH LOSSLESS, 32 BIT FLAC DOLBY ATMOS


yeah how about you shut the fuck up you fucking tire licker who's only friends are your psychannels samefagging with each other
moron probably uses the floooshed emoji unironically
and say "UwU", that as well
fuckin electro house listening Ukraine simping Soylent is out of stock at target leftist san franshitstreet fan


I bet he actually did it in 2017 and that's why datsik was nuked 🤣🤣🤣
cause he uwu'd about it, riddim community saw it and went hell to the fucking no


finally the dumb motherfucker left. was getting tired of his Canadian 2nd density existence


I bet he literally fucks his mother too.






she is my wife + owes me sex

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