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/webm/ - Videos and GIF

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File: 1654394811092.png (528.06 KB, 768x836, 90d8967ae76b92321f2ca723c5….png)


Why are retards so prone to posting tiktoks ???


dilate tranny


How lol such a baseless argument I hate trannys the government and msm convinced an entire nation that men in dress is le good, + all other countrys that went with the insanity.


What's wrong with tiktok?


Chinese communist party spyware used to brainwash teens and, gives idots and crazies and actual idiots a voice.


True, but what's wrong with posting them outside of their original context, like say an imageboard?




nice outing yourself


Its forced disease on the board and it gets tiring knowing threads get flooded, with garbage.




nice outing yourself






File: 1654399629837.png (54.9 KB, 730x759, img.png)

nice outing yourself
try again




nice outing yourself
try again 2x

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