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File: 1652488304224-0.mp4 (11.31 MB, 640x360, videoplayback - 2022-04-20….mp4)

File: 1652488304224-1.webm (1.68 MB, 640x360, 1651579357818.webm)

File: 1652488304224-2.webm (3.61 MB, 720x1280, 1651818040627.webm)




File: 1652561542679.gif (152.25 KB, 517x363, 1648190837275.gif)

mongolian russhit


File: 1652561803843.jpg (20.96 KB, 394x394, slav.jpg)

>Called "Slavs"
>Say "Slava [name of country]" constantly
Imagine believing Slavic people are actually real


File: 1652650029640.png (5.57 KB, 236x213, 1647548945561.png)

In Polish we say "Chwała"


See this is how I know Poles are real, you don't say something stupid like "Polock Polski"


Tbh we say "Masło maślane" (butter butter).


File: 1652652849369.mp4 (6.82 MB, 616x480, poland.mp4)

Pretty based


I remember this song from ~2010.
I didn't hate it, but didn't get it tbh.


It's for oldfags to teleport back to ~2004 LAN party sentimentality basically


Sigma basshunter finally convinced his mom to allow him play his gaym. :0

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