I have decided that Vaishnavism, the oldest world religion, is the one true path.
Couple of reasons why
>Vaishnavism is the world's oldest religion >They predicted the big bang and also evolution, many other things. >They perfectly explain the existence of other religions>This knowledges came from sages who meditated on God. Yogis are capable of entering very low brain wave states of consciousness associated with deep sleep observable by brain wave activity while maintaining conscious awareness. This is like entering deep sleep with conscious awareness. >I have personally verified the power of sound and mantra through this experiment which basically proves the existence of a God through implication . I recommend you try this yourselves. If your water is not sterilized, you will see the exact same results.Also I am going to post only very occasionally now because soot is an idiot.
who are you and why should i care about this religion
also wrong board chud
>who are you and why should i care about this religion
Has to do with the nature of reality, God, and a way of being that connects you with God. You can care or not.
sooooooooooot add epub support right now
>>2159>Not choosing a religion based on how much jews hate itngmi
>>2163i wish i looked that
>>2166Well, many polytheistic religions (paganism) are similar in many ways, and Jews aren't a fan of those.
>implying that modern pagans pose a realistic threat to jews
>>2170Biggest threat to jews are people that are morally aware and not ignorant. Paganism isn't very good because they have no heritage because it was destroyed by abrahamism or never written down, they do not have the strong basis, because they do not have knowledge passed down. Great thing about the Eastern religions is that they give a laid-out path to follow towards higher morality.
Hindus are currently one of the most loyal israel supporters on this planet
>Jews have lived in India for over 2,000 years and have never been discriminated against. This is something unparalleled in human history.
hmm that's kind of interesting