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/tv/ - Television & Film

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1600748531746.jpg (160.33 KB, 1200x1200, 1596272120178.jpg)


Do you want a board sticky?
If so, what do you want


File: 1600753223826.jpg (72.12 KB, 634x424, MV5BZDU3MTlkOTUtMzgwNC00Nj….jpg)



i want to kick warwick davis in the fucking head, moderator.


File: 1600796702914.gif (2.63 MB, 500x324, 1595787725711.gif)

how about K?


File: 1601240732525.png (116.63 KB, 672x1176, midgetposting.png)





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i think this works well for this chan


File: 1603579890196.png (854.33 KB, 635x842, 1603213148818.png)

make this the board sticky




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god I want to punt this little midge like a football


File: 1606353261254.png (129.85 KB, 667x723, Soyhu.png)

>mid[get mi]nge




File: 1608955421218.jpg (47.62 KB, 304x153, Bronies, this is your mind….jpg)


Don't talk shit about Toopy & Binoo, faggot.



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File: 1633113229519.png (60.78 KB, 273x184, Yesyes.png)

YesYes universe!!! it's highly unexplored in the lore and I'd be REALLY interested to see what you could do with it! Make a YesYes Thread. Wow!






what about board dedicated to warwick davis


sticky now






uhhh.. uhhh..... *farts* uh huh.... put in Bain and uhm... *sucks in drool* le CIA :D


This but unironically


File: 1654193734562.png (95.79 KB, 924x1020, cargo chud and soyjak frie….png)

BBC/troon/chud fight board that isn't listed in the overboard and all of those threads get moved over there and locked (if anyone feels like having that retard fest it is available)



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