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File: 1646515594913.jpg (221.66 KB, 1000x1000, harry potter hat.jpg)


>telling children that they're irredeemably evil and assigning them to the designated evil house
>telling them that they're cowardly faggots and putting them in the faggot house
he had no business being this based


Looks like a pile of shit lmao


File: 1646707063538.png (2.32 MB, 1896x1695, The_Great_Mighty_Poo.png)

he do be lookin like the great mighty poo


Careful, he might convince Dumby to send you a (late) invitation, to make you a S(pecial)NEED adult wizard, call you a shithead, and then proceed to use your head as a dildo and achieve a roaring climax in front of everyone, and then kick you to Slytherin, your hair all stickyand dripping.

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