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lol I need to do a project for English and I picked son of mask as the subject of my choosing
I need a telling of the story of the film
a description of the characters
and what made it memorable






help me /kys/


reach out to him on his twitter


Maybe try watching the fucking movie? Have you thought about that?


cute gem


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Tim Avery is a deeply flawed man who was only fixed by the accidental intervention of literal God. He desires so much but settles for so little. He someone married a loving woman but treated her more as a babysitter as he cared more for his dog Otis.
Tim's Masked "BigHead" form is actually commentary on the main characters fragile masculinity. Since balding is seen as a sign of degradation and decay of testosterone, and given Tim's insecurities about his mediocre dead-end job and fear of being a family father; the mask uses his inner demons and overcompensates for them. This is the reason why timid, emasculated and mild-mannered Tim becomes everything a woman, and society as a whole, would want in a man. A slick-haired, strong-chinned, assertive, confident, and happy person that takes the world by storm, does with women as he pleases and even manages to give his wife the night of her life while giving her the son she so desperately desires.
>For the ears Jamie Kennedy's character of Tim is evidently an introvert, someone locked up in his own inner world. He doesn't even listen to her wife's desires, and would much rather spend time drawing or playing with his dog. The mask having ears represents how an ideal version of his person would be much more receptive and attentive to the outside world.
Otis’s masked form is also very intriguing as it begs the question of if you gave an animal (in this case a domesticated canine) human sapience. The resulting behavior is single minded and almost sociopathic,paralleling case studies of animals naturally lacking empathetic abilities as man but able to process more complex emotions. Tim’s relationship with Otis ran extremely deep and treated him more as a son than a dog. Otis’s bighead form releases that love into a deep rooted obsession that wanted nothing to stand in its way.


based vinluv


today I'm presenting it lol


not an argument


Ask a friend to record it


How did it go?


the teacher liked it but said be should have "presented it" not read the thing as it was written
it was bullshit


if you are reading this comment your parents will die within 5 years. To undo this curse you need to copy this and paste it in 2 other threads. i'm so, so sorry,please forgive me.


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record it or show me the script homie


nothing special 'luv
the day already passed
and the script was the same as you wrote it
but including some images i found on google


burn teen


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an IV'd ending to an ID'd tale. tragic.


the state of american education

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