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>The upcoming live action Little Mermaid remake looks heckin' amazing. They totally won't ruin the original land is still make a lot of money anyway. Disney should keep making crappy live action remakes.


>This proves rule 201 of the internet. If it exists, there is a soyjak of it.


thi character was based on a drag queen


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>I love modern Disney. They make the most original and amazing live action remakes that totally don't ruin the original classics. They definitely aren't a greedy, politically correct company that only cares about soy-milking money and pandering to twitter mobs. Cruellarino was heckin amazing. You must buy one Cruella brand pride toilet paper, get the next one 50% off. I'm definitely not being paid to sponsor Disney plus which showcases censored Simpsons. After I lost all my money going to Disney World for week.


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You posted something so meaningful and brave. Fuck live action Disney movies. They are nothing but retarded cash grabs.
Cruella was basically stupid because Cruella wanted to SKIN PUPPIES FOR HER COAT and here they give a pathetic reason for her to give them a coat.


holy based


stop bumping dead threads you fucking retard

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