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/suggest/ - Suggest

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1654535950978.png (260.05 KB, 1000x1000, wojak.png)


send topic




i'm too lazy to post it on KYM tho and KYM is the only wojakshitter 'ru


there's wojak paradise for all the nas garabge dust you want.


we NEED a wojak booru


File: 1654729342536.png (132.71 KB, 600x484, wojak (1).png)

its never getting better


Run by a literal troon however


tsmt we need soot to run one instead she'll definitely never troon/poon out


It's run by a chad though




File: 1654845714957-0.jpg (129.74 KB, 1505x1001, 1518086555188.jpg)

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File: 1654845783606-0.png (372.78 KB, 1000x1000, green (2).png)

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File: 1654845880006-1.png (331.52 KB, 963x896, nujak (4).png)

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i have to use troonyourmeme to store all of these :/


File: 1654857004186-0.jpg (150.05 KB, 976x1010, 1517751376480.jpg)

File: 1654857004186-1.png (286.54 KB, 1000x1000, fix (3).png)

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File: 1654878077747-0.png (83.44 KB, 600x600, unnamed.png)

File: 1654878077747-1.png (86.24 KB, 600x600, fix (4).png)

File: 1654878077747-2.png (305.48 KB, 963x896, fix (5).png)

theyre downvoting my endless spam so much :'( help soot


try wojakparadise


>try a malware website youve never heard of


some of these look like they're not even on our booru


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