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File: 1653440314838.png (2.19 MB, 1920x950, ClipboardImage.png)


can i get all the original colorpoopdeformedjaks, and preferably the archived thread the idea came from
in retrospect, i find that they are gemmy, and now internally refer to any post-2020 bone chilling partyesque non soy soyjaks as "post ironic colorpoopcobs"


File: 1653440542050.mp4 (13.66 MB, 480x480, 6919 - animated arm clothe….mp4)

>can i get all the original colorpoopdeformedjaks, and preferably the archived thread the idea came from
in retrospect, i find that they are gemmy, and now internally refer to any post-2020 bone chilling partyesque non soy soyjaks as "post ironic colorpoopcobs"


they are coal you are probably the one who made them since no one else thought these were funny


File: 1653441933331.png (22.85 KB, 602x800, ClipboardImage.png)

>they are coal you are probably the one who made them since no one else thought these were funny


color fail


File: 1653448726450.gif (138.68 KB, 254x254, 176639742963.gif)

>>they are coal you are probably the one who made them since no one else thought these were funny


File: 1653450657254.gif (1.55 MB, 255x241, trooney goes to science wo….gif)

>>>they are coal you are probably the one who made them since no one else thought these were funny


File: 1653477892627.png (111.53 KB, 600x453, 1636520386261.png)

>>>>they are coal you are probably the one who made them since no one else thought these were funny


lefty trannies were the ones who forced colorjaks, however


i am a colorjakker and i absolutely detest NIGGERS and KIKES however


that does not change anything


this DOES change everything, however


File: 1653501289257.png (73.11 KB, 1208x1346, 9019 - bloodshot_eyes cryi….png)

>>>>>they are coal you are probably the one who made them since no one else thought these were funny


File: 1653522706322.png (367.6 KB, 844x1022, 1652174514204.png)

>>>>>>they are coal you are probably the one who made them since no one else thought these were funny


File: 1653526448070.gif (2.14 MB, 360x302, troonjak blood.gif)

>>>>>>>they are coal you are probably the one who made them since no one else thought these were funny


File: 1653528067200.png (357.4 KB, 768x719, 16780975432.png)

>>>>>>>>they are coal you are probably the one who made them since no one else thought these were funny


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