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File: 1652172874805.jpg (61.9 KB, 976x850, pepe perplexed6.jpg)


we need to ban BBC cobsons sitewide not only if they're getting spammed, but at all times
if someone posts that coal he deserves an instapermaban and to have his IP leaked


File: 1652174104429.gif (840.33 KB, 240x162, UnfinishedVigilantFreshwat….gif)

>we need to ban BBC cobsons sitewide not only if they're getting spammed, but at all times
>if someone posts that coal he deserves an instapermaban and to have his IP leaked


File: 1652174514204.png (367.6 KB, 844x1022, Working Out.png)

>we need to ban BBC cobsons sitewide not only if they're getting spammed, but at all times
>if someone posts that coal he deserves an instapermaban and to have his IP leaked


bbc cobsons are rarely ever used for self-insertion and make fun of emasculated (=sissy) weird (=racial fetishists) men as soyjaks are intended to do, and they also stopped cobson from being used in self-insert coal


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>>we need to ban BBC cobsons sitewide not only if they're getting spammed, but at all times
>>if someone posts that coal he deserves an instapermaban and to have his IP leaked


cope arcturus and associated troons
your forced discoal is forever associated with nigger penis and will never, ever recover


rent free


i dont care about what they're supposed to represent, they're coal


File: 1652325771220.png (80.39 KB, 1500x1500, 1635209517930.png)

>rent free


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