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/suggest/ - Suggest

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1651464052291.png (504.29 KB, 1878x702, Screen Shot 2022-05-01 at ….png)


please bring the name field back to /soy/.


File: 1651464121383.png (72.5 KB, 600x600, CobsonSoy009217.png)

Fuck off nameshitter


You're spitting namegod


File: 1651465052377.jpg (124.19 KB, 960x960, 1649306907803-1.jpg)

>Name field strike
>please bring the name field back to /soy/.


ngl that guy is kinda hot


perish kuz


link to the thread of the pic?


File: 1651495376042.jpg (101.31 KB, 640x640, 1481006001794.jpg)


File: 1651501889394.png (236.94 KB, 2820x1234, Screenshot from 2022-05-02….png)

what does this post mean?


it means op is a faggot


it means your mom is built for BBC


he looks like a nigger


never mind I take that back. He does drugs so never mind.


oy vey dont discriminate creatorfag namefags are people too also bring it back soot

>>15058 >>15041
confirmed jew


Plus, RemiIia / axe wound can just use an avatar or signature.


Never bring the namefield back


he isn't getting as much attention as he used to


Keep it like that, no more attention whores


shit I forgot to bump my thread on /soy/


Ok now that the dust has settled, can we NOW bring back the name field?


the nigger disabled public saging, we will never have names back


axe wound still troons here sometimes


yet it's sad, especially when you consider that you can still sign your posts

so if you're axe wound you can do this:


I disagree.

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