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/suggest/ - Suggest

(For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1650491850445.png (2.93 KB, 25x25, Soyjak.png)


/pixel/ - Pixel Art or /lr/ - Low Resolution


File: 1652129177241.png (245 B, 20x20, 20x20jak (2).png)



test (shit thread OP, ignore this reply)



how about this one? can you guys make or add regular /art/ into the board
this serves as a tutorial school for newfags on how to edit and create unique soyjaks with GIMP or oekaki drawing guides (even swfchan had a /how/ so we can make our own flv loops good old times)

maybe we soiteens can make our own self hosted canvas for now? (since there was another guy hosting MC server)
also why is soot not here anymore? it seems that he sticks to the main sticky rather than the other threads i rarely see him comment despite moderating the board guess he's too lazy consuming hotpockets



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