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File: 1650424314073.jpg (273.38 KB, 1200x630, DGFD1650256747442.jpg)


soot, you should delete the sharty. soyjak party video archive is right. the original goal of the site was to avoid the tranny mods on 4cuck but this website has become far worse than 4cuck ever was. it's time to call it quits. we had our fun but all good things must come to an end. pull the plug before trannies tarnish the legacy of the site any further.


soot wont even post on the fartry anymore
he even wants to sell it
its over


Wait why did spva unlist all her vids


>demoralization spam wave just as cp spam starts


And no, the former wasn't in reaction to the latter, you can't type these long posts so quickly


Site should've gone down as originally intended in the beginning of January


t. conspirator


soot, you shouldn't delete the sharty. soyjak party video archive isn't right. the original goal of the site was to avoid the tranny mods on 4Chad but this website has become just as good as 4Chad. it's time to keep working and going. we had fun and all good things must go on. ban this tranny demoralizing bot trying to kill the legacy of the site



Why is every post like OP feels like it's written by some 4cuck/discord/leftypol tourist?


Reborn of the sharty however


people seething hardcore over this post but it's true... all things must come to an end my fellow 'jakkers


all fake, however


>discord tranny saying the party is done for because they can't spam porn

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